Agaricus xanthodermus

Mushrooms of Northern Alberta


27 Aug 2019

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139 visits

Agaricus xanthodermus

Although most Agaricus sp. are safe for the table such as the meadow mushroom, horse mushroom and your button mushrooms you get at your local grocery store but there are some that are poisonous Agaricus xanthodermus is one of them. Although it looks good if you smell it, it smells like phenol and the stem turns bright yellow if rubbed. Do not eat.

07 Aug 2018

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238 visits

Amanita muscaria

These come in red, orange, yellow or white. They are poisonous and hallucinogenic.

08 Sep 2019

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165 visits

Armillaria sinapina

This is one of the many delicious " Honey Mushrooms" that are found in the fall here in Alberta, Canada.

12 Jan 2019

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109 visits

Armillaria sinapina spores

Spores of the " Honey Mushroom" Armillaria sinapina.

09 Sep 2019

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125 visits

Armillaria sinapina ( Honey Mushrooms)

A basket full of delicious " Honey Mushrooms" Just eat the caps as the stems are much to tough.

05 Sep 2019

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306 visits

Calvatia bovista

Our second largest puffball coming in usually about a foot in diameter. The white one is immature and edible if completely white throughout the dark one is very mature and ready to shed a billion spores.

01 Aug 2019

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95 visits

Clitocybe phyllophila

The ones pictured are mature and are usually found growing in rings or arcs.

23 Jul 2019

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113 visits

Clitocybe phyllophila

Clitocybe are a large group of mostly poisonous mushrooms . These are young.

30 Jul 2019

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117 visits

Conocybe tenera

Grows scattered to numerous in grass, fields and woods.
55 items in total