PQR - internal graffiti detail

PQR - graf

This is a small collection of the graffiti found within the Convict Van.
The marks are all made by scratching, probably with a bit of stone.
Mainly, they consist of initials or (nick)names. Some are dates. Others list crimes / sentences, one or two with some detail.
They are quite difficult to see and several images have been manipulated to bring out details, mainly increasing contrast. The o…  (read more)
  • PQR - internal graffiti detail
  • PQR - graf 02
  • PQR - graf 03
  • PQR - graf 06
  • PQR - graf 07
  • PQR - graf 08
  • PQR - graf 09
  • PQR - graf 10
  • PQR - graf 12
  • PQR - graf 13
  • PQR - graf 14
  • PQR - graf 15
  • PQR - graf 17
  • PQR - graf 18
  • PQR - graf 19
  • PQR - graf 20
  • PQR - graf 21
  • PQR - graf 23
  • PQR - graf 24
  • PQR - graf 25
  • PQR - graf 26
  • PQR - graf 27
  • PQR - graf 31
  • PQR - graf 32
  • PQR - graf 33
  • PQR - graf 95
  • PQR - graf 101
  • PQR - graf 102
  • PQR - graf 103
  • PQR - Benny