WR - unveiling

WR - William Riley

Rescue and restoration.

"William Riley" was offered for sale - in a near derelict condition - on an internet auction site. Bought "as seen" by DJC and then retrieved from Barnstaple a few weeks later, and returned to Whitby for restoration with the help of an HLF grant.


The initial contract from Whitby Historic Lifeboat Trust was to replicate the interior structure and fittings, t…  (read more)
  • WR - End of the Henry Vernon row
  • WR - at Poole 1
  • WR - new cover
  • WR - out shop shot
  • WR - out shop image
  • WR - hull refresh
  • WR - birdseye again
  • WR - numbers 1
  • WR - numbers 2
  • WR - hull after 2
  • WR - hull after
  • WR - hull during work
  • WR - oops ....... or should that be "OUCH"
  • WR - hull filled
  • WR - old hull interior
  • WR - hull surface before
  • WR - old logo
  • WR - passing the fish-quay
  • WR - return inline ahead
  • WR - into Whitby 2
  • WR - into Whitby 1
  • WR - boat afloat
  • WR - stability test
  • WR - unveiling
  • WR - internal finish - varnished deck
  • WR - cox'n's platform
  • WR - on the motorway
  • WR - brass fittings
  • WR - Finished rudder
  • WR - Rudder 1
  • WR - ready for return
  • WR - under the deck
  • WR - Visitor
  • WR - Varnished deck
  • WR - finished deck
  • WR - work in progress
  • WR - resin sheathed
  • WR - painting
  • WR - Recovery Team
  • WR - welcome home
  • WR - William was here
  • WR - Barnstaple quay
  • WR - Rescue squad at Barnstaple
  • WR -  William Riley at Barnstaple
  • WR - for repair
  • WR - Barnstaple; derelict
  • WR[HI] - old boathouse
  • WR[HI] - William Riley dedication launch
  • WR - maker's plate
  • olb - WR - model of ON594