MF - name

MF - Miller Fifer Restoration

A longer term restoration of a 1960s Miller Fifer. A type of motor-sailer, based on the hull of a North Sea fishing boat. Built by Millers of St Monance, in Fife. (Near Anstruther)

There are several more images of past work to upload, and this set needs ordering (done that, but I might do it again in another way). Having had a decent search, I hope that I have found most of the missing images. I …  (read more)
  • MF - name
  • MF - new clear view
  • MF - windlass
  • MFL - Berthed
  • MF - nearly ready
  • MF - bo'top to masts
  • MF - water missing
  • MF - good-looking
  • MF - full stern profile
  • MF - Stern finished
  • MF - prop and rudder
  • MF - second coat
  • MF - start anti-fouling
  • MF - caulking
  • MF - main mast up
  • MF - bows and beads
  • MF - nav lights
  • MF - table clutter (1966 in June 2015)
  • MF - Forward bunks (June 2015)
  • MF - Forward Cabin (June 2015)
  • MF - Head Facilities 1 (June 2015)
  • MF - Head Facilities 2 (June 2015)
  • MF - Head Facilities 3 (June 2015)
  • MF - "EMOYENI"
  • MF - Blue Hull and Bo'top.
  • MF - mark finished
  • MF - identity mark
  • MF - undercoated
  • MF - getting there
  • MF - Ben waiting
  • MF - This is MY new berth
  • MF - waiting for the boat
  • MF - Head open door
  • MF - Locker in head
  • MF - Double Berth (Nov 2013)
  • MF - Single Berth (Nov 2013)
  • MF - Under berth locker (Nov 2013)
  • MF - Engine Room (Nov 2013)
  • MF - View of engine (Nov 2013)
  • MF - Looking Aft (Nov 2013)
  • MF - toeboard test
  • MF - Wheelhouse & Helm (July 2013)
  • MF - Wheelhouse, non-helm seating (July 2013)
  • MF - Chart table (July 2013)
  • MF - Up the steps (July 2013)
  • MF  - looking from the steps (July 2013)
  • MF - View forward (July 2013)
  • MF - Coffee time (July 2013)
  • MF - Dinner Time (July 2013)
  • MF - single berth (July 2013)
  • MF - View aft (July 2013)
  • MF - Builder's Plate
  • MF - Ballast back
  • MF - Ballast 4
  • MF - Ballast 3
  • MF - Ballast 1
  • MF - Ballast 2
  • MF - fore ballast
  • MF - finished cleats
  • MF - stack of cleats
  • MF - cleat blanks
  • MF - block of cleat blanks
  • MF - rigging
  • MF -  cross trees / mast fittings
  • MF - deadwood details
  • MF - rudder repaint
  • MF - new deadwood
  • MF - cotton on
  • MF - stern and rudder
  • MF - Props 2
  • MF - New Props 1
  • MF - engine running
  • MF - wet exhaust
  • MF - skin fixing
  • MF - starboard tank in
  • MF - port tank in
  • MF - tank refurbisment
  • MF - non-marine perkins
  • MF - engine progress
  • MF - engine space
  • MF - engineroom deck
  • MF - deck fittings for fuel
  • MF - old fuel line
  • MF - bilge under engine

188 items in total