SSW - sign of support

SSW - Sentinel Steam Waggon

We have been commissioned, by a private owner, to build the timber parts of the cab for an early model steam waggon (pre 1930s) as part of a longer term restoration project. This was followed by painting the apron, front mudguards and the water tank. The finished waggon made a public debut at the Spring 2014 events at Beamish Museum.

The first stage has been to fettle the apron - the steel part a…  (read more)
  • SSW - sign of support
  • csg[16] - dg6 & dg8
  • SSW - Main Street
  • SSW - Foulbridge
  • SSW - on the circuit
  • SSW - tynedale 2016
  • SSW - lincoln 2015
  • SSW - just resting (2014)
  • SSW - Main Street
  • SSW - meeting with Yorkshire (2014)
  • SSW - with friends (2014)
  • SSW - at Corbridge show
  • STTES[14] - talking in the sun
  • SSW - talking in the sun
  • SSW - finished cab on show
  • SSW - Rainy day
  • SSW - at Beamish
  • SSW - contrasts
  • SSW - side view
  • SSW - three Tarmac survivors
  • SSW - yorkshire tarmac
  • SSW - out on the road
  • SSW - 8016 tipper
  • SSW - 8016 side view
  • SSW - trademark
  • SSW - Super Sentinel plates
  • SSW - in the shed
  • SSW - Maker's Plate fitted
  • SSW - from side
  • SSW - Built
  • SSW - Apron loaded
  • SSW - apron painting
  • SSW - reflections
  • SSW - Tank undercoated
  • SSW - tank treated
  • SSW - hatch
  • SSW - gloss interior
  • SSW - exterior gloss
  • SSW - finished underside
  • SSW - attaching metalwork
  • SSW - Metalwork test
  • SSW - metalwork made
  • SSW - contemplating the future
  • SSW - roof trial
  • SSW - seats and bunker primed
  • SSW - in first undercoat
  • SSW - internal view
  • SSW - underside undercoated
  • SSW - top coating the roof
  • SSW - undercoating the canvas
  • SSW - cane bend fitted
  • SSW - Roof canvassed
  • SSW - Roof dry build
  • SSW - roof in build
  • SSW - Cab roof frame
  • SSW - cab dry fit
  • SSW - rear panel
  • SSW - dry fitting the timber
  • SSW - cab side panel
  • SSW - apron surfacer
  • SSW - apron arriving
  • SSW - along frames
  • SSW - chain drive
  • SSW - 8016 sans apron & cab
  • SSW - at Tanfield
  • csg[22] - DG8 [1 of 4]
  • csg[22] - DG8 [3 of 4]
  • csg[22] - DG8 ; maker's plate [2 0f 4]
  • csg[22] - DG8, side view  [4 of 4]