clch - temp anomaly, June'76 vs 2022

shw - Summer Heat Waves

Folder: OTHER INTERESTS - indirectly related to work
For Great Britain, the summer of 2022 weather was exceptional - a significant lack of rainfall and at least three periods of extreme heat, with conditions severe enough for the "Met Office" to issue warnings and hosepipe bans to be enacted. [22] refers
The summer of 2023 also had some significantly hot weather [23] refers ...

So, a safe way to …  (read more)
  • clch - temp anomaly, June'76 vs 2022
  • shw[7-22] - UK heatwave
  • shw[7-22] -UK heatwave weather warnings July 2022
  • shw[7-22] - stay hydrated
  • shw - heat effects on body
  • shw[8-22] - heat alert levels [UK]
  • shw - heat stoke or heat exhaustion ?
  • shw[7-22] - extreme heatwave; part 2
  • shw[7-22] - hottest days, Wales
  • shw[7-22] -UK fire forecasts & red heat warnings
  • clch - top 10 hottest days, UK [1900 to 2022]
  • shw[7-22] - Wales, hottest days [map]
  • shw - UK max temps [1970 - 2021]
  • shw[7-22] - UK drought, satellite images
  • shw[8-22] - hosepipe ban by water company, 9th Aug 2022
  • shw[8-22] - extreme heatwave map ; 10 August 2022
  • shw[8-22] - domestic water use; 13th August 2022
  • shw[8-22] - flash floods ; infiltration vs runoff
  • shw[8-22] - rainfall 1st week August 2022
  • shv[8-22] - swimming pools, UK councils
  • shw[8-22] - swimming pool closures, regions  2019 to 2022
  • clch - rainfall, Jan-June, England & Wales
  • shw[23] - hot paths
  • shw - heat wave, late June 2024