ESP - 94a - at St Pancras

ESP - 94a UK - Pollando - 2009

Folder: ESP - Esperanto : Kongresoj, eventoj kaj ekskursoj
La 94a Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Bjalistoko, Pollando, 25 Julio - 1 Augusto 2009.

[EN] The 94th International Esperanto Congress took place in Bialystok, Poland between 25th July and Ist August 2009.

These images are of the Congress itself, and excursions during that same period (some of these will be placed in their own album - (etm) - including Branicki Palace).

On the 2nd August CAS…  (read more)
  • ESP - 94a - at St Pancras
  • ESP - 94a - UK Congress HQ
  • ESP - 94a / O&S - old projector [1 of 2]
  • ESP - 94a / O&S - old projector [2 of 2]
  • ESP - 94a UK - Pollando - 2009 - Reception
  • ESP - 94a UK - Pollando - 2009 - post boxes
  • ESP - 94a UK - Hot air balloon [2 of 2]
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - street name
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Rynek Kosciuszki
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Podlaskie Museum in Białystok
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Coffee, anyone ?
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Esperanto Cafe
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - old market square & town hall
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - outside tables
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Lunch is served
  • ESP - 94a - musiko
  • ESP[94a] - grapes
  • CAS - (RIP) - esperantist
  • ESP - 94a ( etm ) - local bus service
  • ESP - 94a / oad - hundo
  • ESP - 94a (Bial) - Living van
  • ESP - 94a(etm) - church
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Branicki Palace
  • ESP - 94a (etm) - Pond at Branicki Palace
  • ESP - 94a UK - kafo kaj tepauzo
  • ESP - 94a - Suprasi Monastery Church