Cameron's photos

Krieg ich was ab? (Wilhelma)


Meine Patenschaftsurkunde :-D

18 Apr 2020 60
Ich bin Patin eines der Klippschliefer in der Wilhelma. :-D Wer macht es mir nach?

Elefantastische Briefmarke ;-)

Grünhaariger Elefant

Unbekannter Oldtimer


Unbekanntes Insekt

07 Jun 2020 72
I saw this insect in a house near Stuttgart, Germany. It is not large, maybe 3cm from head to wings' end. Can you identify it?

Unbekanntes Insekt

07 Jun 2020 60
I saw this insect in a house near Stuttgart, Germany. It is not large, maybe 3cm from head to wings' end. Can you identify it?

Wunderschöner Elefant

Herr Amsel in Schwarzweiß

Herr Amsel im Schnee

Frau Amsel

Mama Schneeleopard (Wilhelma)

Orchidee (Wilhelma)

12032 photos in total