Kolo und ihr Dreikönigskind (Wilhelma)

Wilhelma 2015

Folder: Im Zoo / In the Zoo

Auf die Hörner genommen (Wilhelma)

Libelle - Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer (Wilhelma)

26 Jul 2015 220
I caught this large dragonfly (body about 7-8cm, wing span even larger) in the open air in Stuttgart/Germany. My first guess was Anax imperator, but there is no brown stripe along the abdomen. My next guess - which has been confirmed by now - is Aeshna cyanea .

Libelle (Wilhelma)

26 Jul 2015 219
I caught this large dragonfly (body about 7-8cm, wing span even larger) in the open air in Stuttgart/Germany. My first guess was Anax imperator, but there is no brown stripe along the abdomen. My next guess - which has been confirmed by now - is Aeshna cyanea .

Zella (Wilhelma)

Pama (Wilhelma)

Nashornkind Savita (Wilhelma)

Mutter und Tochter Nashorn (Wilhelma)

Mutter und Tochter Nashorn (Wilhelma)

Wasser marsch! (Wilhelma)

Wasser marsch! (Wilhelma)

Wasser marsch! (Wilhelma)

Nashornbulle Bruno (Wilhelma)

Nashornbulle Bruno (Wilhelma)

Nashornbulle Bruno (Wilhelma)

Ich habe Hunger, Hunger, Hunger ... (Wilhelma)

... habe Hunger, Hunger, HUNGER ... (Wilhelma)

Wo bleibt das Essen, Essen, Essen ... (Wilhelma)

Flußpferdbulle Mike (Wilhelma)

402 items in total