Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin (Wilhelma)

Canon EOS 40D - Teil I

Folder: Meine Fotoausrüstung / My Equipment

Schmetterling im Landeanflug (Wilhelma)

Raupe (Wilhelma)

19 Jun 2011 72
Seen in the insect house of the zoo in Stuttgart (Germany). It's ca. 4 cm long, and most likely not of a German native species.

Raupe (Wilhelma)

19 Jun 2011 70
Seen in the insect house of the zoo in Stuttgart (Germany). It's ca. 4 cm long, and most likely not of a German native spiecies.

Raupe des Zebrafalters (Wilhelma)

19 Jun 2011 71
Seen in the insect house of the zoo in Stuttgart (Germany). It's ca. 4 cm long, and most likely not of a German native spiecies.

Vieraugenfisch (Wilhelma)

19 Jun 2011 70
Ich habe von unten Richtung Wasseroberfläche fotografiert. Man sieht hier also den Fisch sowie dessen Spiegelbildan der Unterseite der Wasseroberfläche. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lower half of the photo shows the fish, the upper half shows its reflection on the lower side of the water surface.

Punktierter Flossensauger (Wilhelma)

Waben-Schilderwels (Wilhelma)

Waben-Schilderwels (Wilhelma)

Stirnlappenbasilisk (Wilhelma)

Faultier (Wilhelma)

Chuckwalla (Wilhelma)

Verschwundene Pracht (Wilhelma)

Verschwundene Pracht (Wilhelma)

14 Jul 2013 293
Gamma 0.95

Haubenlanguren (Wilhelma)

Fiat Barchetta

Mini im Abendlicht

Frau Amsel

1907 items in total