
Pflanzen / Plants

Folder: Natur

Kamelienblüte (Wilhelma)

Grashalm (Wilhelma)

Einsames Blümchen (Wilhema)

Herbstfarben (Wilhelma)

Herbstfarben (Wilhelma)

Blüte (Wilhelma)

14 Nov 2010 74
A rather small blossom that grows in the open air at my local zoo. Can you identify it?

Blüte (Wilhelma)

26 Nov 2010 107
I found this blossom in one of the greenhouses at the zoo. It is some centimetres long. Can you identify it?

Blüten (Wilhelma)

Blüte (Wilhelma)

27 Nov 2010 99
Na, wie viele Ameisen könnt ihr entdecken? ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many ants can you see? ;-)

Der erste Schnee (Wilhelma)

Orchidee (Wilhelma)

Strelitzie (Wilhelma)

Kamelienknospe (Wilhelma)

Kamelienblüte (Wilhelma)

Kamelienblüte (Wilhelma)

Rotrandige Aloe (Wilhelma)

Orchidee (Wilhelma)

Albizia lophantha (Wilhelma)

970 items in total