Languste (Wilhelma)

Wirbellose / Invertebrates

Folder: Wechselwarme / Ectothermic
Insekten, Spinnen, Krebse, Quallen, ...

Von "Bienen" und Blumen ...

25 Jun 2011 89
Höhenpark Killesberg

Von "Bienen" und Blumen ...

25 Jun 2011 2 96
Höhenpark Killesberg Seen in Stuttgart, Germany. The insect - some kind of hoverfly? - is rather large, larger than a common wasp. Can you identify the flower and/or the insect?

Brennessel mit Besucher

03 Jul 2011 1 109
Seen in a small city near Stuttgart, germany. The insect is small, maybe 1 - 1.5 cm long.

Seerosen und Überflieger (Wilhelma)

Kugeldisteln mit Biene (Wilhelma)

Hufeisen-Azurjungfer (Wilhelma)

Am Seerosenteich der Wilhelma

Blauer Morphofalter (Wilhelma)

Frisch gehäutete Fauchschabe (Wilhelma)


Seerose mit Besuch (Wilhelma)

Libelle (Leintalzoo Schwaigern)

Weidenjungfer (Leintalzoo Schwaigern)

21 Sep 2011 219
I saw this insect in the open air in a zoo near Heilbronn, Germany. It's a bit smaller than the sympetrum I caught in the same zoo, I'd say.

Weidenjungfer (Leintalzoo Schwaigern)

21 Sep 2011 166
I saw this insect in the open air in a zoo near Heilbronn, Germany. It's a bit smaller than the sympetrum I caught in the same zoo, I'd say.

Schnecke (Wilhelma)

28 Oct 2011 88
Die Schnecke kriecht innen an der Glasscheibe des Gorillageheges hoch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This snail creeps along the glass wall of the gorilla enclosure in the zoo of Stuttgart, Germany. It is 5 - 6 cm long, I'd say, and I guess that it got into the enclosure with gorilla food. Can you identify it?

Raupe (Wilhelma)

11 Dec 2011 99
I saw this caterpillar - maybe 4 - 5 cm long - in a greenhouse in the zoo of Stuttgart, Germany. The greenhouses do not host butterflies, so I guess it's a native species. The greenhouse is of normal room temperature, filled with azaleas.

Raupe (Wilhelma)

11 Dec 2011 97
I saw this caterpillar - maybe 4 - 5 cm long - in a greenhouse in the zoo of Stuttgart, Germany. The greenhouses do not host butterflies, so I guess it's a native species. The greenhouse is of normal room temperature, filled with azaleas.

Raupe des Zimtbären (Wilhelma)

11 Dec 2011 103
I saw this caterpillar - maybe 4 - 5 cm long - in a greenhouse in the zoo of Stuttgart, Germany. The greenhouses do not host butterflies, so I guess it's a native species. The greenhouse is of normal room temperature, filled with azaleas.

464 items in total