In the thicket

"Images that interests me!"


03 May 2023 27
Never think that I believe I should set out A “System of teaching” to help people Understand the way. Never cherish such a thought. What I proclaim is the truth as I have discovered it And “ a system of teaching” has no meaning Because the truth can’t be cut up into pieces And arranged in a system. ` BUDDHA
02 Jun 2023 4 1 52
What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and wildness? Let them be left, O let them be left, wildness and wet, Long live the weeds and the wildness yet. Gerard Manley Hopkins

Fig. 33

26 Jul 2023 1 50
Sitta minor. Male with the gular pouch extended (from ‘Gunther’s Reptiles of India’) {In my native place we had this species, with red pouch under its neck, which was turning red. It remained immobile when someone approaches it. And the boys used to say, it is absorbing blood from our eyes, and we used to pelt stones at it. Fortunately we were bad at aiming!!}

Cyttaria darwinni

08 Aug 2023 2 1 43
A globular yellow fungus, weird but edible, that Darwin found dangling from beech trees in Tierra del Fuego. it's now known as Cyttaria darwinii

148 items in total