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Trail ~ Cosumnes River Preserve

Cosumnes River Preserve

You cannot step twice into the same river ~ Herac…

22 Oct 2020 1 1 75
And we know that historically this is what happened in spades. Aristotle tells us that Cratylus [ Cratylus (/ˈkrætɪləs/ KRAT-il-əs; Ancient Greek: Κρατύλος, Kratylos) was an ancient Athenian philosopher from the mid-late 5th century BCE, known mostly through his portrayal in Plato's dialogue Cratylus. He was a radical proponent of Heraclitean philosophy and influenced the young Plato.] eventually outdid Heraclitus, holding that not only can you not step into the same river twice, but also that you cannot step in the same river once. This splendidly Zen-like remarks means that any use of language falsifies the reality it is trying to capture. Slippery reality escapes as you try to hold it stable with your words. It is not possible to speak correctly of anything that is ‘always becoming and never is’. This consequence of his Heraclitenism upset Cartylus so much that according to Aristotle he was reduced to silence, eventually com8unicating only by wagging his finger. - page 130

Departures of the birds

30 Oct 2020 1 53
25 Jan 2021 32
“If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted like trees.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
12 Feb 2021 5 36
Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are - Mason Cooley
14 Feb 2021 24
“Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Dancing little daffodils ...

Mango, banana, Tangerine....

07 Mar 2021 2 2 40
Better than cookies, candies, biscuits.....!

village scene

15 Feb 2015 1 1 39
Karnataka State has been divided into four Revenue divisions, 49 sub-divisions, 27 districts, 175 taluks and 745 hoblies/Revenue Circles for administrative purposes. The State has 27,028 inhabited and 2,362 uninhabited villages, 281 towns and urban agglomerations. Karnataka/Area 47.393 million acres Karnataka State Population Year Projected Population 2021:~ 70,501,944 (7.05 Crore)


06 Jun 2021 1 1 36
In the country of bridges The bridge is more real Than the shores it doth unsevere. ~ Fernando Pessoa

Late evening hour

16 Jun 2021 12 15 78
. . . A novice painter asked his teacher, ‘When should I consider my painting finished?’ And the teacher answered, : When you can look at it in amazement and say to yourself "Am the one who did this!” {Excerpt: “What is Literature” Author Jean-Paul Sartre} HFF Ye all

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