Dinesh's photos

Winter Evening

03 Jun 2013 132
The storm wind covers the sky Whirling the fleecy snow drifts, Now it howls like a wolf, Now it is crying, like a lost child, Now rustling the decayed thatch On our tumbledown roof, Now, like a delayed traveller, Knocking on our window pane. Excerpt ~ "Winter Evening" ~ Pushkin


05 Jun 2011 1 128
Excerpt from "Europe ~ A History" Author Norman Davis

How the Language Works

03 Jun 2013 2 175
Johann Gottfried Herder 1772 www.marxists.org/archive/herder/1772/origins-language.htm

Writing ~ An Art of discovery

Christian Science Monitor Premises

At Boston MA

Happiness is when


13 May 2007 101
It could happen any time, tornado, earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen. Or sunshine, love, salvation. It could, you know. That's why we wake and look out -- no guarantees in this life. But some bonuses, like morning, like right now, like noon, like evening. "Yes" - William Stafford

Winter Trail

Diagram ~ Voyager Spacecraft Golden Record

30 Sep 2011 5 288
1977, Carl Sagan asked Toronto painter and radio producer Jon Lomberg how an artist might express the essence of human identity to an audience that had never seen humans. With fellow Cornell astrophysicist Frank Drake, Sagan had just been invited by NASA to devise something meaningful about humanity to accompany the twin Voyager spacecrafts, which would visit the outer planets and then continue on through interstellar space, possibly forever.

Fall Morning

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