Dinesh's photos


12 Jan 2024 6 2 31
11 Jan 2024 4 31
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzy4R8EbWJ4 Oh, yes, wait a minute, Mister Postman Wait, Mister Postman Mister Postman, look and see Oh, yeah! Is there a letter in your bag for me? Please, please, Mister Postman I've been waiting a long, long time Oh, yeah! ~Beatles

Indira and Nehru shortly after Independence

09 Jan 2024 5 3 39
In School and College days there was an anti-establishment mentality amongst us all boys. Most of us were anti-Government in each aspect!! Now I understand what exactly it was. It was actually the part of "Crooked Timber of Humanity" as Immanual Kant nomenclatureedm

His / her Wheel-chair and belongings

09 Jan 2024 3 4 43
Estimates vary widely, but more than 50% of chronically homeless people suffer from some form of mental illness and/or addiction. And approximately 25% are severely mentally ill.4 “The persistence of large numbers of homeless Americans is one of the signal policy failures of the past two generations.”1 We are failing to care for our neediest people, and their continuing deprivation and despair stands as a testament to our national hypocrisy. Ending the epidemic of homelessness is therefore not only necessary to alleviate the suffering of the unhoused, it is also crucial to preserve America’s dwindling social solidarity and basic sense of collective civic virtue. Extracts from the News
11 Sep 2015 1 26
These houses once belonged to local successful businessmen of early 1900s. The road in front was black topped somewhere in very late 1940s. And dust from those days is still sticking. I have seen this place during my Elementary school days and the image is dated 11th Setpem ber 2015. The owners these days cannot afford to get it white washed.

Flute girl - cancelled from Symposium!

08 Jan 2024 3 1 34
Socrates is at a symposium (a drinking party) with several prominent Greeks, including Aristophanes the comic poet and Agathon the tragedian, in whose honor the symposium is being held, in celebration of Agathon’s first victory as a tragic poet. At the symposium, the celebrated elect to do away with the flute girls, the mst common form of entertainment at such gatherings. Instead, each man will present a speech in honor of a god who never received proper adulation – Eros. Agathon has just spoken and though his speech was well received, he now finds himself engaged in a discussion which Socrates about some of the points he has made. ~ page 27
19 Aug 2021 4 1 33


05 Jan 2024 2 3 26
Indira at talks with Premier Kosygin and Leonid Brezhev in Moscow during which she secured the promise of Soviet military aid in the event of India going to war with Pakistan over Bangladesh,September 1971 The Indo–Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation was a treaty signed between India and the Soviet Union in August 1971 that specified mutual strategic cooperation.

Indira in Kashmir shortly before her death

05 Jan 2024 9 2 42
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Indira_Gandhi

Paintings, Ajanta Cave # XVII

02 Jan 2024 6 2 34
www.trawell.in/maharashtra/ajanta-caves/cave-17-18 Cave 17 is a Mahayana monastery covered with many well-preserved wall paintings. A Brahmi inscription found here records the excavation of this cave by a feudatory prince under Vakataka king Harishena. This monastery consists of a spacious hall surrounded by 17 cells on three sides, a vestibule and a sanctum containing the image of Buddha. The porch doorway of cave 17 is similar to that of cave 16, with which it is contemporary. The panel above the doorway depicting the seven Manushi Buddhas (Buddhas in human form) together with the Maitreya or future Buddha seated under their respective Bodhi trees.


15 Aug 2023 2 25
Price a little less than $ 6,000

Avacado / Persea americana

28 Dec 2023 6 3 51
Many years back I was reading a comic book in which an elephant was going mad and was shouting because it didn’t have its quota of avocados for the luncheon. I personally thought Avocado is a fictitious vegetable. That was a time one can find information only in Encyclopedia in the college libraries. And there was no college where I grew up!

El Captian, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas

29 Dec 2023 2 2 31
This limestone promontory is, in fact, a 260-million-year-old coral reef from the Peremian. The sea life that made up this ancient reef – species of sponge, corals, brachiopods, crinoids, fusulinids, ammonoids, etc. – was drive almost entirely extinct by the end of the Permian en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Capitan_(Texas)

10869 items in total