Richard S. Prather - Lie Down, Killer

Ernest Chiriaka

Folder: Book Cover Artists

30 Mar 2015

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311 visits

Paul Daniels - Jealous

Published by Monarch (422) in March 1964. Paul Daniels was a pseudonym of Paul W. Fairman. Cover art by Ernest Chiriaka.

13 Jun 2010

253 visits

Ovid Demaris - The Long Night

Published by Avon (T-372) in 1959. Cover art by Darcy (Ernest Chiriaka).

17 Nov 2010

345 visits

Malcolm Douglas - Prey by Night

Published by Gold Medal (477) in April 1955. Malcolm Douglas was a pseudonym of Douglas Sanderson. Cover art by Ernest Chiriaka.

28 Jan 2011

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293 visits

Bruno Fischer - The Lustful Ape

Originally published by Lion Books in 1950 as by Fischer's pseudonym of Russell Gray. This first Gold Medal edition (901) is dated July 1959. Cover art is not credited, though there is an undecipherable signature bottom-right. (possibly E.Chiriaka?)

23 Mar 2010

319 visits

Day Keene - Framed in Guilt

First published in the U.S. by M.S. Mill Co. (hardback) in 1949. This U.K. paperback edition published by Triphammer (ISBN: 0723550638) in 1972. Cover art taken from the Crest edition of John Roeburt's "Did You Kill Mona Leeds?" with art by Darcy (Ernest Chiriaka).

19 Mar 2011

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257 visits

Edward Kempton - Swamp Tease

Published by Avon (T-387) in 1960. Cover art is uncredited (Darcy perhaps?)

03 Jun 2013

346 visits

Ed Lacy - Dead End

First published in hardback as "Be Careful How You Live" by Harper & Brothers in 1959. This re-titled paperback edition published by Pyramid (G471) in January 1960. Ed Lacy was a pseudonym of Leonard Zinberg. Cover art by Darcy (Ernest Chiriaka).

02 Nov 2009

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334 visits

Stephen Marlowe - Blonde Bait

Published by Avon (T330) in 1959. Cover art by Darcy (thanks to vintageillu)

10 Apr 2010

258 visits

John McPartland - Ripe Fruit

First published by Gold Medal in 1958. This second printing (s1090) is dated February 1961. Cover art is uncredited (Ernest Chiriaka perhaps?)
18 items in total