Dried Flowers

Homebrew Diafine-v20220123

I modified my recipe for Diafine A, reducing the amount of Hydroquinone and Metol.

Sodium Hexametaphosphate (g) 2
Sodium Metabisulfite (g) 6
Sodium Sulfite (g) 35
Hydroquinone (g) 18 *
Metol (g) 4 *
Benzotriazole (g) 0.05

Density of the negatives was slightly less and contrast a bit softer, more "normal" looking to my eye.

I have continued to use the original Solution B from the packet that I h…  (read more)

25 Jan 2022

29 visits

Dried Flowers

Praktica MTL5 + Tamron 105/2.5 Double-X @ 650 Diafine (A = Homebrew)

25 Jan 2022

25 visits

Still Life

Praktica MTL5 + Tamron 105/2.5 Double-X @ 650 Diafine (A = Homebrew)

25 Jan 2022

31 visits


Praktica MTL5 + Tamron 105/2.5 Double-X @ 650 Diafine (A = Homebrew)

25 Jan 2022

30 visits

Rocking Chair

Praktica MTL5 + Tamron 105/2.5 Double-X @ 650 Diafine (A = Homebrew)

25 Jan 2022

31 visits

Still Life - Print

Praktica MTL5 + Tamron 105/2.5 Double-X @ 650 Diafine (A = Homebrew)