veccia dolce

Wild Flora

wild Flowers and Plants
fiori e piante spontanei

giglio di mare

05 Aug 2021 16 5 185
Pancratium maritimum Arrivato spontaneo sul balcone di un'amica, un balcone in faccia al mare ! Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

brassicacea - ID ?

26 Apr 2021 20 8 337
diplotaxis tenuifolia ??? cioè rughetta selvatica ? fiore spontaneo trovato sulle alture liguri Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

pink diagonal

05 Apr 2020 7 3 151
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

yellow aster

24 Sep 2016 21 5 219
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profumato candore

31 Jul 2021 38 19 259
Alyssum maritimum Alisso Lobularia Maritima Filigrana comune Alysse odorante Sweet alison Explored Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

Erba medica - Medicago sativa

09 Sep 2021 14 9 194
detta anche erba Spagna, o anche alfalfa (dall'arabo al-fáṣfaṣa "foraggio"), è una pianta erbacea appartenente alla famiglia delle Fabaceae (o Leguminose). Originaria dell'Asia sud-occidentale, è diffusa in Italia prevalentemente in Emilia-Romagna, Lombardia, Marche, Veneto, Calabria, Campania. Ma qui siamo lungo il bordo di una stradina in Camargue (Francia), vicino a molti allevamenti di tori ;-) Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

vita dalle pietre

01 Oct 2021 3 1 140
in piena città Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


12 Mar 2021 24 16 206
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

ancora in fiore

23 Oct 2021 11 1 184
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flowered October

23 Oct 2021 11 3 184
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


11 Feb 2021 6 1 110
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


17 Oct 2020 12 8 205
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

nell'altro emisfero è primavera ;-)

19 Apr 2021 7 3 140
Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


18 Jun 2017 12 2 159
credo ... Dan mi puoi confermare ed eventualmente precisare ? Grazie ! Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci


03 May 2020 15 6 186
Allium neapolitanum edibile !!! Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

era primavera

22 May 2019 11 7 201
Archivi fioriti La piantaggine lanciuola (Plantago lanceolata L., 1753) è una pianta erbacea officinale perenne della famiglia delle Plantaginaceae. Il tipo corologico (area di origine) è Eurasiatico ormai diventato Cosmopolita. Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

wild dianthus

02 Aug 2020 11 5 197
un bel exemple de Dianthus carthusianorum merci Dan ! Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

back to spring

28 Apr 2021 11 2 200
Robinia - falsa acacia Do not use my images on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit written permission. All rights reserved - Copyright © Nora Caracci

323 items in total