EE at Crewe

Rail UK - Class 40

Folder: Rail UK - Steam & Diesel

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29 Sep 1962

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EE at Crewe

English Electric Type 4 No D216, in as built condition, at Crewe. Date unknown, but reckoned to be between 1960-1962. Scanned from a print taken by my dad when he took a much younger me to Crewe for an afternoon. Not able to put an approx date: ie "circa 1962" on the date thingy, so for now I'll make do with 29Sep62

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13 Nov 1971

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32 wheels a whistlin'

Nicknamed 'Whistlers', English Electric Type 4s 201 and 333 stabled at Newton Heath. These later became known as Class 40 under the TOPS renumbering scheme. Sat13Nov71. Scanned

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01 Feb 1972

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Newcastle vans

EE Type 4 No 279 at the head of a van train at Newcastle. This loco finished its days as 40079 and scrapped at Doncaster in February 1985. Tue1Feb72. Scanned

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10 Mar 1972

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Highland capital

A look inside the loco shed at Inverness, with BRCW Type 2 No 5332 and EE Type 4 No 359. These were later renumbered to 26032 and 40159. Fri10Mar72. Scanned

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30 Mar 2012

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Vintage power

D8069 leads D335 soon after departure from Dereham with 1W17 1710 to Wymondham Abbey, on the occasion of the Mid Norfolk Railway English Electric Diesel Gala. Fri30Mar12

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30 Mar 2012

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Brothers in arms

D335 at Dereham on arrival with 1D18 1810 from Wymondham Abbey, stands alongside East Lancashire Railway stablemate 55022 'Royal Scots Grey'. Mid Norfolk Railway English Electric Diesel Gala. Fri30Mar12

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31 Mar 2012

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Abbey Whistler

Mid Norfolk Railway English Electric Diesel Gala. During the course of the day a number of trains ran into the run round loop at Wymondham Abbey to enable the loco to change ends. This was one such occasion. Having arrived with 1W17 1640 from Dereham, ELR loco D335 runs round to return with 1D18 1745 to Dereham. Sat31Mar12

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01 Apr 2012

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East Lancs in Norfolk

East Lancs Railway based D335 arrives at Thuxton, half way point and crossing place, with 1D12 1515 Wymondham Abbey - Dereham. Mid Norfolk Railway English Electric Diesel Gala. Sun1Apr12

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14 Jul 2013

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Air train

The cab end of 40088 departing Manchester Airport Aviation Viewing Park, following display in occasion with a fair held by the local Aviation Society. Sun14Jul13