Change of power

Rail UK - Class 24 25

Folder: Rail UK - Steam & Diesel

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26 Apr 2010

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483 visits

Change of power

Grosmont, North Yorkshire Moors Railway. BR Standard Class 4 2-6-0 No 76079 has brought the train from Pickering, and parks out the way whilst Class 25 No D7628 backs down to continue on to Whitby. Mon26Apr10

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12 Mar 1971

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Far North Sulzer

There was always something special about the Inverness based Type 2s. Probably due to the fact that they never seemed to stray too far south of the border. They ventured down to Carlisle on a regular basis, but anywhere south of there was a bonus. A number of them were equipped with headlights, at least 20 years before they became a standard fitting. Here we see 5117 at Inverness paired up with BRCW Type 2 5342. Under the TOPS renumbering scheme, these became 24117 and 26042. Sun12Mar71. Scanned

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26 Apr 2010

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296 visits

Green Sulzer

Class 24 No D5061 parked at Grosmont. North Yorkshire Moors Railway. Mon26Apr10

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14 Nov 1971

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319 visits

Rodents at Crewe

'Rat' Sulzer Type 2 No 5089 in the middle of a line of classmates at Crewe. This became 24089 and was scrapped in July 1977 at Swindon. Sun14Nov71. Scanned

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11 Mar 1972

554 visits

Highland departure

BRCW Type 2 No 5344 and BR Sulzer Type 2 No 5129 leave a cloud of smoke behind as they depart Inverness with the 1635 to Glasgow. These later became 26044 and 24129 Sat11Mar72

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14 Nov 1971

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Hoovers and Rats

English Electric Type 4 No 405 backs down into the stabling sidings at Crewe, and parks alongside a line up of Sulzer Type 2s. Along with the rest of the class, the loco later migrated to the Western Region, was renumbered to 50005 and named 'Collingwood'. Sun14Nov71. Scanned

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08 Mar 1972

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Sulzer at the Castle

BR Sulzer Type 2 No 7582 stabled between duties at Edinburgh Waverley, beneath the ramparts of the Castle. The loco was later renumbered to 25232. Wed8Mar72. Scanned