DRS old

Rail UK - Class 20

Folder: Rail UK - Steam & Diesel

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01 Mar 2005

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404 visits

DRS old

20309, in the original colours, stands at Whitehaven with a short freight to Sellafield. Tue1Mar05

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24 Sep 2008

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385 visits

DRS new

20312, in the present Compass livery, in the middle of a 3 loco consist at Whitehaven, heading to Sellafield. Wed24Sep08

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10 Nov 2010

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505 visits

DRS stored

Line up of 6 stored DRS Class 20s at Carnforth. From left to right they are; 20307 20313 20312 20314 20311 20310. Wed10Nov10

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22 Jan 2009

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477 visits

Heysham Choppers

20308 and 20304 top n tailing 6C51 Sellafield to Heysham Power Station, passing Saltcoats. Thu22Jan09

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27 Jul 2011

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462 visits


Always nice to see these 50 odd year old veterans. 20308+20309 race through Ravenglass with 6K73 Sellafield - Crewe. Wed27Jul11

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29 Jan 1972

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350 visits

DRS. The shape of things to come

Fresh out of Crewe Works, English Electric Type 1 No 8075 stands on Crewe Diesel Depot. Renumbered under TOPS as 20075, this loco is still putting in the mileage today as DRS 20309. Sat29Jan72. Scanned

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29 Jan 1972

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422 visits

Long life

Cab end view of English Electric Type 1 No 8075 at Crewe Diesel Depot. 40 years later and the loco still visits Crewe in its new guise as DRS 20309. Sat29Jan72. Scanned

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15 Apr 1991

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413 visits

Choppers for the chop

Their coal hauling days finished, 20171 and 20134 are dumped at the end of a siding at Toton. Mon15Apr91. Scanned

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15 Apr 1991

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348 visits

Awaiting the call

Withdrawn 20171 waits for the scrapman at Toton. Not too long after this photo was taken, it was dragged up to a scrapyard near Glasgow. Mon15Apr91. Scanned
23 items in total