Chamizal National Memorial

Historic Places

Chamizal National Memorial

22 Apr 2015 162
These cement fence posts marked the border of Cordova Island, a pocket of Mexican land that was completely surrounded by the United States. Chamizal National Memorial commemorates the peaceful resolution of a 100 year old border dispute between the United States and Mexico. It was caused by the changing course of the Rio Grande River through El Paso, Texas, which was the official border between the two countries. For more information about this dispute:

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 239
Jacob Whittemore House (circa 1717) The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 191
Battle Road Trail The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 171
Paul Revere was captured at this location on his way to warn the citizens of Concord of the approaching British troops. The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 160
Interior exhibit in the Hartwell Tavern (1733) The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 1 244
Hartwell Tavern (1733) The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 144
Grave of British Soldiers at Old North Bridge The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Minute Man National Historical Park

11 Jun 2010 235
The Stedman Buttrick House (1911) now serves as the North Bridge Visitor Center. The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

Gold Hill, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 1 310
The Gold Hill Hotel was built in 1861 as the Riesen House. In 1862 to became the Vessey House, and served as one of the major hotels of the Comstock Region. After the mines faded, the building became a private residence. By the 1950's, it was again a hotel and bar. A wooden annex was added to the building in 1987.

Gold Hill, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 1 2 297
The Gold Hill Hotel was built in 1861 as the Riesen House. In 1862 to became the Vessey House, and served as one of the major hotels of the Comstock Region. After the mines faded, the building became a private residence. By the 1950's, it was again a hotel and bar. A wooden annex was added to the building in 1987.

Virginia City, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 278
In the 1880's, Virginia City was one of the largest cities west of the Mississippi River. Today it is one of the best preserved historic mining towns in the United States.

Virginia City, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 282
In the 1880's, Virginia City was one of the largest cities west of the Mississippi River. Today it is one of the best preserved historic mining towns in the United States.

Virginia City, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 1 302
Left: Territorial Enterprise Building (1876) Right: Grant's General Store (1869) In the 1880's, Virginia City was one of the largest cities west of the Mississippi River. Today it is one of the best preserved historic mining towns in the United States.

Virginia City, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 303
In the 1880's, Virginia City was one of the largest cities west of the Mississippi River. Today it is one of the best preserved historic mining towns in the United States.

Virginia City, Nevada

31 Dec 2013 295
In the 1880's, Virginia City was one of the largest cities west of the Mississippi River. Today it is one of the best preserved historic mining towns in the United States.

Fort Bridger State Historic Site

18 Jul 2011 246
Milk House and School House Fort Bridger was established in 1843 by Jim Bridger and Louis Vasquez. It served as an emigrant supply stop along the Oregon Trail. Briefly owned by the Mormons in the 1850's, it became a military outpost in 1858. Decommissioned in 1890, it became a Wyoming State Park in 1928.

Fort Bridger State Historic Site

18 Jul 2011 267
Ice House Fort Bridger was established in 1843 by Jim Bridger and Louis Vasquez. It served as an emigrant supply stop along the Oregon Trail. Briefly owned by the Mormons in the 1850's, it became a military outpost in 1858. Decommissioned in 1890, it became a Wyoming State Park in 1928.

Fort Bridger State Historic Site

18 Jul 2011 190
Post Trader's Store Fort Bridger was established in 1843 by Jim Bridger and Louis Vasquez. It served as an emigrant supply stop along the Oregon Trail. Briefly owned by the Mormons in the 1850's, it became a military outpost in 1858. Decommissioned in 1890, it became a Wyoming State Park in 1928.

65 items in total