Minute Man National Historical Park


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11 Jun 2010

195 visits

Minute Man National Historical Park

Battle Road Trail The first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired on April 19, 1775. British troops had been sent to Concord, Massachusetts, to seize guns and ammunition that had been secretly stored by the rebel Patriots. Through the efforts of Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, the Patriots were informed of the British advance. The resulting skirmishes in the towns of Lexington and Concord, and along the road that connects the two, set the stage for open hostilities between the British and the Patriots. Minute Man National Historical Park is a thin strip of land along the old road that preserves and interprets the events of April 19, 1775.

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31 Dec 2013

205 visits

Gold Hill, Nevada

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01 May 2015

228 visits

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Fajada Butte Chaco Culture National Historical Park is located in a rugged canyon in northwestern New Mexico. For around 500 years it was the center of Ancestral Puebloan culture and trade. Massive pueblo structures were built, and over 400 miles of roads connected Chaco Canyon with outlying communities. The peoples eventually moved on, and the ruined remains of many of these pueblos are preserved by the National Park Service.

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01 May 2015

165 visits

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Along the Loop Road Chaco Culture National Historical Park is located in a rugged canyon in northwestern New Mexico. For around 500 years it was the center of Ancestral Puebloan culture and trade. Massive pueblo structures were built, and over 400 miles of roads connected Chaco Canyon with outlying communities. The peoples eventually moved on, and the ruined remains of many of these pueblos are preserved by the National Park Service.