Hawthorn (best viewed on black).

Close up & Macro

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13 May 2019

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Hawthorn (best viewed on black).

Crataegus, commonly called hawthorn, quickthorn, thornapple, May-tree, whitethorn or hawberry is a genus of several hundred species of shrubs and trees in the family Rosaceae native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, Asia and North America. The name "hawthorn" was originally applied to the species native to northern Europe, especially the common hawthorn C. monogyna and the unmodified name is often so used in Britain and Ireland. The generic epithet "Crataegus" is derived from the Greek kratos "strength" because of the great strength of the wood and akis "sharp", referring to the thorns of some species. The name haw, originally an Old English term for hedge (from the Anglo-Saxon term haguthorn, "a fence with thorns") also applies to the fruit. (Wikipedia). Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED Software: Nikon Capture NX2

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24 May 2019

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Eco Drive.

A close-up test using a non-macro lens....it took many attempts before I managed to get a good shot without too many reflections. I don't know if this will really "run forever" (as claimed by Argos) but it will probably outlive me.....it has already outlived three watch-straps :-) "A simple yet revolutionary concept: a watch that never needs a battery. Citizen Eco-Drive technology harnesses the power of light from any natural or artificial light source and converts it into energy which is stored in a permanently rechargeable lithium-ion cell. It recharges continuously in any kind of light to run forever." (Argos advertisement). www.argos.co.uk/product/9157332 Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED Software: Nikon Capture NX2

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07 Jan 2020

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Double whiskey.

Miniature (50 Centilitre / 18 fluid ounces) bottles of whiskey. Photographed with a tripod-mounted Nikon D500 using the self-timer. Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8 G Software: Nikon Capture NX2 and Gimp

03 Mar 2020

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Macro test.

A test shot with my new macro lens which I received today, the AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 from Nikon. I got this lens in "used but mint" condition for 1/3 of the normal retail price so I'm very pleased with the results so far. It can also be used as a standard / portrait lens.....with a Nikon APS-C (DX) camera it produces the same field-of-view as a 90mm lens would on a full-frame camera. (The coin is "Royal Arms" issued in 2019 by the Royal Mint). Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF Micro-Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 Software: Nikon Capture NX2 (unprocessed except for a slight crop).

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07 Mar 2020

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"Happy Rose" Phalaenopsis orchid.

Phalaenopsis orchid "Happy Rose" photographed using back-light (the sky) which gives a more accurate idea of the colours than my previous attempts using flash. Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF Micro Nikkor 60mm f2.8 Processed with Nikon Capture NX2 and Pixlr Editor

20 Mar 2020

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British coins.

British coins photographed with my recently acquired 60mm macro lens......at it's closest focus the 5p coin fills the frame (and slightly overflows it). This is an old lens (first released in the 1980s I believe) which I bought "pre-owned" but it is also an excellent general-purpose and / or portrait lens for Nikon APS-C cameras where it has the equivalent field-of-view of a 90mm lens on a full-frame camera. Camera: NIkon D500 Lens: AF Micro Nikkor 60mm f2.8 Software: Nikon Capture NX2 and Gimp 2

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14 May 2020

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Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) flowers.

Aesculus hippocastanum is native to a small area in the Pindus Mountains mixed forests and Balkan mixed forests of South East Europe. However, it can be found in many parts of Europe as far north as Gästrikland in Sweden as well as in many parks and cities in the United States and Canada. It is widely cultivated in streets and parks throughout the temperate world and has been particularly successful in places like Ireland, Great Britain and New Zealand where they are commonly found in parks, streets and avenues. Cultivation for its spectacular spring flowers is successful in a wide range of temperate climatic conditions provided summers are not too hot, with trees being grown as far north as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the Faroe Islands, Reykjavík, Iceland and Harstad, Norway. (Wikipedia). Camera: Nikon D500 Lens: AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED Software: Nikon Capture NX2

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13 Jul 2021

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Golden Oldie.

My recently acquired Nikon F2 Photomic film camera which dates from 1976. I bought this in excellent condition for approximately 1/10th of the original (1970s) price and the 50mm f2 lens was included in the price. There are a few areas of "brassing" where the black colour has worn away but otherwise it seems to be working properly, even the meter, which is usually faulty on these old cameras. I am currently replacing the light-seals and mirror cushion which are in poor condition and then I will be ready to try it out. Photographed with a Nikon D500 camera and AF Micro Nikkor 60mm f2.8 macro lens. Processed with Pixlr. More information here: www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/f2.htm