Era: '51's photos

Santa Barbara Solstice Parade '08

21 Jun 2008 57
I'm glad that I polished my bells that morning.

Coast Starlight, Bakersfield to Los Angeles

22 Jun 2008 57
The first scheduled passenger train in 31 years through the Tehachapi Pass. Taken from the rear-most public car. (one private car trailed ours)

Aloha Airlines

12 May 2008 55
This was my flight from Honolulu to Hilo


09 May 2008 73 rough on the landscaping.

Lava to sea

09 May 2008 66
This is from 1.5 miles away.


11 May 2008 97
Pele passing gas. Specifically, sulphur dioxide. This is from approximately 1.5 miles. This reacts with sunlight to produce vog, a significant problem in the Kona area.

Drip Stone

09 May 2008 58
Exceptional; roughly 10 inches long! In my lifetime, this was molten. In the bottom of Kilauea Iki, west side

Generic Motel

Motel Mt. Whitney

06 Jul 2008 57
The obligatory arrow isn't illuminated, and looks more like a √ . Lone Pine, California

The Trails Motel

06 Jul 2008 63
Yes, it has the 'Beckoning Motel Arrow' That TLA is BMA Lone Pine, California

Let's stay at Ray's, den.

06 Jul 2008 74
Free wife-eye, replacing color TV as the new motel mandatory feature. I've slept on a sofa in a few living rooms, but not in any dens. Independence, California.

Elms Motel

06 Jul 2008 66
The arrow points the wrong way, though. Bishop, California

Thunderbird Motel

06 Jul 2008 68
The bird does a slow on-off flash. In my experience 'Cont. Breakfast' means 'Carb. Breakfast', devoid of protein. I'm trying to reduce my carbo footprint. Maybe Cont. means 'Continual Breakfast'. I'm all over that! Bishop, California

Town House Motel

06 Jul 2008 76
'Welcome Fishermen' That chasing arrow works well, luring road-weary anglers needing to clean their fish. Bishop, California.

The Village Motel

06 Jul 2008 57
Bishop, California.


28 Jun 2008 60
It must have been difficult to stamp that section reliably. I'll bet that the dies wore quickly.


29 Jun 2008 54
This was a gift from the retired head of a Federal radiological laboratory. Actually, the lab was named for him: Jack Greene.


28 Jun 2008 80
As a young lad I liked this sign Glendale, California

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