Cloud pouring over fells

Mist and fog

28 Jan 2009

1 favorite

119 visits

doves in the mist

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28 Jan 2009

85 visits

Cloud on Pilsdon Pen

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21 Nov 2008

194 visits

pheasant in the mist

A frequent visitor to the garden - he posed quite nicely for me.

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06 Sep 2011

158 visits

Fog at the beach

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06 Sep 2011

125 visits

A last dip

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06 Sep 2011

103 visits

Time to go home

23 Jan 2013

123 visits

too cold for colour...

23 Jan 2013

91 visits

Hurry---it's getting dark..

23 Jan 2013

116 visits

weighed down

43 items in total