Laying In Wait

Still Life

Laying In Wait

21 May 2007 1 1 256
Shutter Speed - 1/25s Aperture - f/2 No Flash

Gentle Moments


01 Feb 2007 168
Shutter speed - 1/1s Aperture - f2.5 No flash

Daffodil Poise

30 Mar 2007 4 4 507
Shutter Speed - 1/100s Aperture - f/4 No flash

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

Music & Roses

15 Mar 2007 144
Shutter Speed : 1/40s Aperture : f/2.5 No flash

On My Way.....

03 Feb 2007 7 3 265
Remnants of passport, key ring, and a cup of tea in a cup from my grandmother's tea set that my father passed on to me...for some reason, tea always tastes the best from these cups.

Fire In The Belly

Heart Of Glass