Chateau Lake Louise

Lake Louise, Banff National Park

30 Jan 2008

179 visits

Chateau Lake Louise

I was fortunate enough to go with friends to Lake Louise (past Banff, Rocky Mountains)for the day at the end of January two years ago. The lake is off to the left of my photo, but I wanted to capture a part of the Chateau Lake Louise and the majestic mountains nearby. Such a beautiful place to visit at any time of year. By the way, we didn't actually stay at the Chateau (hate to think how much it costs, LOL!); just went to the mountains for the day.

30 Jan 2008

159 visits

Bohemian Waxwing with berry

I was thrilled to finally get a reasonable photo or two of a COLD, fluffed up Bohemian Waxwing when I was on a day bus trip to Lake Louise two days ago. We stopped for lunch at an old railway station that has been turned into a restaurant, by Lake Louise. There were three Waxwings in a bush near the building. Usually, my photos are of a flock of Bohemians that have flown to the top of a very tall Spruce tree!

30 Jan 2008

1 favorite

248 visits

Ice sculpture

Yesterday, I went on a bus trip to Lake Louise to see the Ice Sculptures there. Lake Louise is a two-hour drive from Calgary, through gorgeous mountainous scenery. This was the 14th annual Ice Magic Festival and the 2008 theme was "Snow Queen, Ice Fairies and the Enchanted Forest." "Twelve teams of three carvers are given 15 blocks of ice, weighing 300 lb each, which they must transform into seven-foot tall world-class ice sculptures in three days. Weather permitting, the sculptures will remain on display through March 2008."

30 Jan 2008

132 visits

In the depths of winter

This wooden cabin/shack/(storage shed?) is out in Kananaskis, in the mountains west of Calgary, by Lake Louise. The snow-covered trees were so beautiful to look at earlier this winter.

30 Jan 2008

131 visits

The path to tranquility

One of the views at Lake Louise three days ago, near the Chateau Lake Louise. The trees looked so beautiful with such a heavy blanket of snow on their branches. Wish I could go there once a week, or even once a month!

30 Jan 2008

213 visits

Fluffed to the max

Another photo of one of the three Bohemian Waxwings that were hanging out in a large shrub out at Lake Louise in the Rocky Mountains. I normally only ever get to see these birds when they fly in a huge flock to the top of a very tall Spruce tree, so this was an absolute treat. I was so happy that my photos turned out OK. Seems strange to see such a round Waxwing, as they are usually very sleek. However, it was COLD!

30 Jan 2008

127 visits

Ice sculpture 2

Two days ago, I went on a bus trip to Lake Louise to see the Ice Sculptures there. Lake Louise is a two-hour drive from Calgary, through gorgeous mountainous scenery. This was the 14th annual Ice Magic Festival and the 2008 theme was "Snow Queen, Ice Fairies and the Enchanted Forest." This was one of my favourite carvings. "Twelve teams of three carvers are given 15 blocks of ice, weighing 300 lb each, which they must transform into seven-foot tall world-class ice sculptures in three days. Weather permitting, the sculptures will remain on display through March 2008."

30 Jan 2008

153 visits

Storm clouds a-brewing

Taken on a day bus-trip to Lake Louise, Banff National Park, on 30th January. The weather had been beautiful all morning, but then started to cloud over. Scenery was magnificent.

16 Jan 2009

173 visits


At Lake Louise, west of Banff, they have a wagon/sleigh pulled by these beautiful horses, to give tourists a ride. It was SO cold there that day : )
36 items in total