
Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 2

18 Sep 2008

223 visits


Taken just over a year ago at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park. I like the shape of these little mushrooms and the markings. I have always disliked photos that have the subject bang in the centre, but I'm finding that in so many of my square images, it looks really off-balance when I try putting the subject to one side .... sigh. Was finally out on a walk this morning. It has been such a beautiful day today, that I knew I just had to get out there, before my joints seize up completely : ) There were hardly any birds down in the park - presumably, they were all up at the feeders in the gardens that are along the edges of the park! Such a shame that they are being drawn away from their natural areas. Did see two of the family of four Great Horned Owls at Sikome, Fish Creek Park, though, which is always a treat. Too many branches in the way for any photos today : )

20 Aug 2009

136 visits

Short-term beauty

August 20th of this year was an amazing day for finding fungi! This is just one of the many species we found. I love the shape and texture of its cap.

15 Sep 2008

151 visits

From the forest floor

I found this little pair of mushrooms on 15th September last year (2008), when I drove out to Maclean Pond, off Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), Kananaskis. Beautiful texture of their caps and love that green moss. I am so happy that I have fungi odds and ends in my archives, to keep me going for a while longer : )

20 Aug 2009

102 visits


Too tired to think of a title for this one, so "Mushroom" it is, LOL. Seen on 20th August at Bragg Creek Provincial Park or West Bragg Creek.

13 Aug 2009

1 favorite


113 visits

Out on a limb

This beautifully coloured fungus (a very coarse polypore) was growing on a branch at the Bearberry Prairie Natural Area or the adjoining Sundre Natural Area, on 13th August. Added on 13th December 2010: many thanks to Harvey Medland who suggested Polyporus Alveolaris for the ID. Actually, I've just noticed botany friend, Doug, who took photos of the same specimen, had given a similar ID - Polyporus Alveolaris s. lato. Thanks to both of you : )

13 Aug 2009

1 favorite

169 visits

Underside of a polypore

Sometimes, the underside of a mushroom or a polypore is even more beautiful than the topside. This one has a coarse structure. Seen on August 13th either at the Bearberry Prairie Natural Area or adjoining Sundre Natural Area. Added on 13th December 2010: many thanks to Harvey Medland who suggested Polyporus Alveolaris for the ID. Actually, I've just noticed botany friend, Doug, who took photos of the same specimen, had given a similar ID - Polyporus Alveolaris s. lato. Thanks to both of you : )

20 Aug 2009

97 visits


Another white fungus from 20th August, at the Bragg Creek Provincial Park or West Bragg Creek Natural Area. These white ones are some of my favourite fungi.

25 Sep 2008

88 visits


A mushroom I found over a year ago at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

20 Aug 2009

122 visits

A little bit of sparkle

It looks to me like there is a little bit of guttation going on (water droplets) around the edge of this mushroom. Found on 20th August in Bragg Creek Provincial Park.
300 items in total