Along the fenceline

Scenery 2

26 Feb 2010

145 visits

On a rural backroad

I took only two (almost identical) photos on my drive east of the city yesterday - had hoped they would be of a Snowy Owl (never found one), but instead all I have to show for my time is this large red barn. Still, it IS a rather fine barn : )

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12 Oct 2009

312 visits

Forgetmenot Pond

This photo was taken on my last drive along Elbow Falls Trail as far as Forgetmenot Pond, before winter really set in and the gate across the road would be closed during the winter months. This was taken on 12th October, and I hadn't expected to find a snowy scene like this : )

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22 Jan 2010

178 visits

Before the end

This was one of my favourite spots to stop when I drive the backroads southwest of Calgary. I haven't been to this location very recently, but Flickr friend Ron told me that this old barn has finally crumbled. Such a pity. This photo was taken on one of our beautiful hoar frost days in January.

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17 Mar 2010

149 visits

Prairie drama

This was the sky that greeted me when I dashed southeast of the city late yesterday afternoon, to drive some of the gravel backroads in search of .... anything, LOL! Oh, I did see about six Tundra Swans on a pond in someone's field, which was a treat. The dark cloud build-up didn't turn into anything at all - could have been interesting, especially when I picture the gravel ruts turning into mud ruts after heavy rain. Could barely hold my camera still, the wind was so strong. Would much rather have been back out there today. Instead, I had a traumatic experience this afternoon - I actually had to go to a shopping mall, LOL!!!! I HATE, HATE, HATE shopping and only go to the mall once a year if absolutely necessary, or every two or three years if possible : ) However, the holes in my two pairs of old jeans are getting bigger and bigger, and so I had no choice but to go searching for new ones .... sigh. I can never find what I want (of course, if I spent hours walking from store to store, I might do better, but that is not going to happen, ha, ha), so have to make do with what I can quickly find. A woman who hates shopping??? Yes, I know there are a few more of us out there, LOL. There has been a dreadful condo complex fire in the city this afternoon. Many units destroyed, but no people injured. They have also been searching for people's beloved pets, and have taken them to an animal centre to be claimed. My condolences to all those who lost everything - a very difficult thing to have to deal with - but of course I am relieved that everyone survived.

16 Feb 2010

164 visits

Fog at the cemetery

A second photo taken at the Union Cemetery when we had a foggy day on 16th February. This cemetery is right next to the Reader Rock Garden that I visit occasionally. Interesting to see the various Lichens that grow on some of the tombstones. However, it's very sad to see so many old graves for babies and very young children - those must have been such sad, hard times.

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09 Feb 2010

144 visits

Winter memories

Wasn't sure whether to post this or not - I think it looks a bit better in large size, if you have time to check it out. Seemed so long ago, until today, when we had a few tiny flakes of snow. Took this shot west of Calgary, along one of the gravel backroads, on 9th February.

17 Mar 2010

102 visits

Clouds over the Prairies

Taken just a short distance south east of the city on 17th March. A pretty typical scene along the gravel backroads in between the farms.

30 Mar 2010

195 visits

The row of five

Too dark? Maybe just a little. Later - actually, the version you see here is a slightly lightened version. I liked the row of puffy clouds just above the rooftops. Have to dash out in ten minutes for my volunteer shift, after which I want to go and see if I can find the Mute Swan (a rarity in Calgary). And then I have to go shopping for a new alarm clock - mine didn't work this morning - have had it quite a few years. See ya later! I am so happy - I took a better look at the buttons for lowering my car windows and discovered a small lever, which I decided to push over to the right. Never used this before. Anyway, my front passenger window went DOWN - yay! Had been wondering how much it was going to cost me to have it repaired, as I do need to be able to roll the far window down when I'm birding the backroads. Maybe I caught this lever somehow a few weeks ago. Such a relief!

02 Apr 2010

148 visits

Looking towards Weaselhead

This is part of one of the main parks in the city. I was standing at the top of the cliff in North Glenmore Park, looking over the delta towards the green, metal bridge that goes from right to left into Weaselhead (the treed area that you see in this photo). This image is zoomed, so the Rocky Mountains look closer than they really are. Aren't we lucky to live in such a beautiful place? Was out in Fish Creek Park all morning - checked on the nesting Great Horned Owl, but we couldn't see any sign off little white balls of fluff yet. It was another gorgeous day - wonderful, after six months of snow and ice! As soon as I'm ready, I'm heading for the nearest backroads in search of (hopefully) a Mountain Bluebird : )
300 items in total