Winter desolation

Winter 2

03 Jan 2009

207 visits

Winter desolation

Just a quick shot taken from a fast-moving car on our way home from spending the whole day on the Snakeshead Bird Count (near Sundre, north of Calgary) yesterday. This was part of the 109th annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count. I just liked the lighting and the long shadow of the barn. Not quite the composition I wanted, but the landscape flew past the window! We couldn't have stopped on the highway anyway, but I never ask people to stop so that I can take a photo. I just grab everything that I happen to get the chance for and feel very thankful for each and every shot that does turn out OK. I would drive people crazy and make them very annoyed, I'm sure, if I was always asking to take a photo, LOL! And understandly so!!! I need to add that some friends are extremely thoughtful and patient and do what they can to help me get a photo or two, which is unnecessary but greatly appreciated!

09 Jan 2009

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149 visits

A shower of light

Many people might be very tempted to suggest that either I buy some kind of filter or to not shoot directly towards the sun, LOL. However, I don't mind the little shower of coloured lights that are added to the occasional snow photo : ) I have enough shots that don't have them : ) This was taken yesterday afternoon in Fish Creek Park near the Bow Valley Ranch. I had been on a walk right before this at Bebo Grove and had had a totally unsuccessful time trying to find birds. So, yet another snow scene, LOL. The sun came out very late yesterday afternoon - today it has been out all day. Today was a perfect day as far as the weather goes - you could even feel a slight warmth from the sun, which felt heavenly after all our -25C and -30C weather!

30 Dec 2008

182 visits


We came across this scene when we were on the Sheep River/Turner Valley Bird Count recently. It all seemed a little too perfect, somehow - the shelter looked in perfect condition, the fence was new and undamaged, and the snow was untouched. In other words, it all looked pristine. Very beautiful with the trees covered in snow, but, perhaps a little too much perfection?

13 Jan 2009

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133 visits

Sunlit downtown

When I took a drive along one of the small, side roads leading off Highway 22X two days ago, I was a bit disappointed because the sky had clouded over in the direction of the mountains. When I turned around, I noticed that the sun was just catching faraway downtown Calgary. This photo is zoomed in 18x, so the city is in fact much further away than it looks in my photo. I was surprised at how high up the city seemed to be. Note: the Calgary Tower on the right used to be the tallest building in downtown Calgary!

09 Jan 2009

163 visits

Along the fenceline

Taken on a walk near the Bow Valley Ranch, Fish Creek Park, on 9th January. All the bushes were covered in frost and the sun was shining beautifully. We've just had a few wonderfully mild, sunny days but, unless the forecast has changed, temperatures will drop tomorrow and more snow is on the way, yet again ... sigh!

25 Jan 2009

140 visits


I need to walk with my eyes closed - that way I wouldn't keep falling behind on my walks! I keep seeing little things that just look so beautiful (to me) that I HAVE to take a few quick photos, no matter how frigid the weather : )

28 Jan 2009

183 visits


I saw this beautiful view yesterday when I was driving a few of the tiny side roads off Highway 22X west. I believe this was along 85th St. SW. I liked the white of the nearest snowy hills and the row of bare-branched trees in the foreground. Rocky Mountains seen in the distance. It almost didn't seem "real" : )

29 Jan 2009

102 visits

Winter's own creation

This is just a section of the ice formations that adorn a small, artificial waterfall at the Calgary Zoo. The sun was quite pretty on it this afternoon.

29 Jan 2009

149 visits

Layers and splash

Just a view from behind the little waterfall at the Calgary Zoo, looking up towards the sky. Beautiful layers of ice have formed and I liked the different shades of grey.
300 items in total