Unintentionally suggestive

Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 1

06 Aug 2009

168 visits

Unintentionally suggestive

Sorry ... but I just HAD to post this : ) This small mushroom looked absolutely gorgeous in the forest at Bentz Lake Natural Area (north of Calgary, west of Sundre) last week. The cap just seemed to glow and the colour was amazing.

03 Sep 2004

124 visits

Fungus 1

I have hundreds of fungi photos but know the names of maybe half a dozen of them. If anyone is able to identify any of my photos, I would appreciate it so much!

13 Sep 2004

122 visits


I've always liked the edging of this fungus - makes a neat pattern especially when viewed in a larger size.

09 Sep 2004

107 visits


I haven't identified these fungi but I just liked seeing them against the patterned wood. Best seen in a larger size.

20 Sep 2004

102 visits

Ink cap fungus

Noticed this beauty along the bank of a small creek in a local park. It was all alone, close to some exposed tree roots.

21 Sep 2004

134 visits


Another of the hundreds of fungi photos that I have taken but have not identified!

09 Sep 2004

111 visits

Fungus like lace

I was so glad that I tried a macro on this VERY tiny fungus. When I got home and cropped my photos, I couldn't believe how beautiful and delicate it was -- rather like lace. I'm not sure if it is a Splitgill.

10 Sep 2004

113 visits

Ink cap

Often seen along roadsides and other grassy places, these attractive ink caps gradually expand, turn black and liquefy.

23 Aug 2004

124 visits


I always think these fungi are attractive and often find them in a variety of shapes and locations.
300 items in total