Nautilus shell

Shells and minerals

18 Sep 2006

120 visits

Nautilus shell

This was one of the first photos I took with my first digital camera. I bought the camera in December, during our long, cold winter, so was desperately looking for things around the house on which to try out my new "toy". I love anything that has a spiral shape to it.

30 Jan 2004

107 visits

Shell 4

Another shell from my small collection, again whilst waiting for spring to arrive so that I could go out and learn how to use my first digital camera.

30 Jan 2004

76 visits

Shell 3

30 Jan 2004

104 visits

Shell 2

30 Apr 2007

1 favorite

170 visits

Fool's Gold

I was an absolute fanatic of geology when I was in High School. Took it at "O" level (in England), though I was really at an "A" level. Collected various rocks and minerals for years, and I think my favourite is Iron Pyrites in its various forms - cubic, etc.. Unfortunately, I think my skin colour reflected in the many "faces" of this specimen when I took the photo. Love the way the tiny Quartz crystals have formed in little nooks and crannies, just like wildflowers will do.

05 May 2007

130 visits


I think Iron Pyrites is my favourite metal. It comes in so many different crystal shapes - these ones are cubic and beautifully grooved.

05 May 2007

100 visits


Can't remember what the black crystals in this large piece of copper are. I do love copper. Bought this piece years ago at the annual Rock and Mineral Show here.

05 May 2007

1 favorite

108 visits

Iron Pyrites

A piece of bedrock in which many small crystals of Iron Pyrites have formed.

08 May 2007

1 favorite

141 visits


A few dog-tooth crystals on a slab of Amethyst from Brazil.
39 items in total