Ruffed Grouse drumming


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26 Apr 2006

204 visits

Ruffed Grouse drumming

A friend took me looking for Ruffed Grouse this summer and this time we witnessed this male Ruffed Grouse doing his drumming courtship display on a log in a wooded area of Calgary. The drumming sound, made by beating the air with its wings, feels as if it is vibrating through your body. Sounds very much like a motor starting up. Males and females look similar. Thanks, David, as always!

12 May 2006

205 visits

Young Great Horned Owl

I happened to walk through a wooded area where I had previously seen a pair of Great Horned Owls, when this youngster flew into a tree near me. Its parents stayed close by, and the baby seemed quite curious by my presence, giving me plenty of opportunity to photograph it. Such a spectacular bird - and those EYES!

12 May 2006

186 visits

Young Great Horned Owl

Watched as this baby Great Horned Owl practiced its flying down in the Weaselhead natural area. Both adults were perched in nearby trees. Just the cutest thing!

21 May 2006

126 visits

Mourning Cloak Butterfly

This beautiful Mourning Cloak Butterfly was resting and warming up on what appeared to be a popular "warming branch", conveniently below eye level. Its wings act as solar collectors, warming the blood in the wing veins.

14 Aug 2006

1 favorite

161 visits

Pale Snaketail Dragonfly


04 Sep 2006

141 visits

Underwing Moth

This is one of the moths that we saw on a night time Moth Walk. Tree trunks were "painted" with a mixture of something like brown sugar, rum and whisky, which attracted the moths.

24 Feb 2005

90 visits

Hairy Woodpecker

16 Jan 2005

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1 comment

310 visits

Northern Saw-whet Owl

I happened to turn my head whilst talking to someone on a winter walk and found myself looking into the big round eyes of this tiny owl sitting on a nearby branch. Had to wipe the ice off my camera lens in order to try and get any photos. They are very poor quality but this is the only Northern Saw-whet Owl that I have ever seen. I believe the highest this photo got on Explore was #119 on 11th November 2006. Thanks, everyone!

27 Sep 2004

129 visits

Weaselhead in fall

This is a huge park in Calgary, stretching west from the western end of the Glenmore Reservoir.
343 items in total