Amazing beauty

Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area

The Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area is located on the east side of the Elbow River above the southwest community of Roxboro. It was completed in 1996. This is one of the richest areas in Calgary for wildlowers, but unfortunately, many non-native plants and shrubs have taken over much of the area - such as Caragana, Goat's-beard, Baby's Breath, Yellow Clematis.

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27 Jul 2011

174 visits

Amazing beauty

The Nodding/Musk Thistle (Carduus nutans) is my favourite kind of thistle, especially at this stage, when the pinky purple flower has died and the beautiful pattern of the spiny bracts can be seen more clearly. Flower head is 4-6 cm in diameter. Photographed at the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area on July 27th, when I called in for a short walk after my afternoon volunteer shift. There were a lot more of these plants this year, so I guess this invasive weed really does spread, lol. In Alberta, this plant is listed as Prohibited Noxious. Came across this beautiful video of Bald Eagles flying, on YouTube. Superb footage from BBC and KPBS of American and European Eagles. Music by Abba. I did post it a couple of days ago, but after everyone had commented, so thought I'd post it again today. Have been watching and waiting for the youngest of the two Hornby Island Eagles to fledge, but it looks like young "David" (as he has been named) is going to be waiting just a little longer - today, tomorrow? What a character this young branchling is, lol. It has been eight days since his older sibling fledged.

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18 Aug 2010

219 visits


Took this macro shot of an Alfalfa flower at the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area in the city, on August 18th. "Alfalfa is widely grown throughout the world as forage for cattle, and is most often harvested as hay, but can also be made into silage, grazed, or fed as greenchop. Alfalfa has the highest feeding value of all common hay crops, being used less frequently as pasture. When grown on soils where it is well-adapted, alfalfa is the highest yielding forage plant." From Wikipedia.

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26 Sep 2011

123 visits

Purple-flowering Raspberry / Rubus odoratus

This macro photo is a few years old, but shows no date - it was taken with my very first digital camera, an Olympus C750UZ. Happened to come across the image and noticed I hadn't uploaded it. It was most likely photographed at the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area, as we used to see it there. Love the way the petals almost look like crumpled tissue paper : )

28 Nov 2007

97 visits

Yellow Bedstraw

This plant was introduced from Europe. I've only seen it in one place (possibly two) in this city. This was photographed at the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area. For some strange reason, the Additional Information mistakenly states that this image was taken today. Actually, I think this is because there was no date set on my camera when I took the photo.

20 Jul 2008

94 visits

A second chance

I think this image is a little better than the ones I took at Nose Hill a few days ago. This one was taken at the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area. Too bad that they will be pulled in a few days' time - if they aren't pulled, then they spread and take over the area, killing all the native plants. They are quite spectacular, these large Nodding/Musk Thistles, and are my favourite species of Thistle.

22 Jul 2007

110 visits

Western Clematis

This plant climbs on bushes and trees for support. It belongs to the Crowfoot or Buttercup family. For some strange reason, I can never get a really sharp photo of the flowers :) It was seen at the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area. A naturalist states that "This is the richest botanical area in the city, with over 380 species on about 3 hectares of land. However, 80 non-native species are now dominating the area."

19 Jul 2007

108 visits

Red Longhorn Beetle on Goldenrod

We saw a few of these bright red and black beetles at the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area this morning. Not sure if it is a red Turnip Beetle. An amazing area for wildflowers!

19 Jul 2007

116 visits

Purple Prairie-clover

I love seeing these Purple Prairie-clover wildflowers - so pretty.

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18 Aug 2010

118 visits

Alfalfa seedpods / Medicago sativa L.

I love seeing the curly seedpods of the Alfalfa plant (this is a macro shot), as well as the attractive flowers that can be green, white, blue, purple and any combination of these colours on one individual flower. Found these seedpods at the Erlton/Roxboro Natural Area. "Alfalfa is widely grown throughout the world as forage for cattle, and is most often harvested as hay, but can also be made into silage, grazed, or fed as greenchop. Alfalfa has the highest feeding value of all common hay crops, being used less frequently as pasture. When grown on soils where it is well-adapted, alfalfa is the highest yielding forage plant." From Wikipedia.
75 items in total