A view from Leighton Art Centre

Leighton Art Centre

www.leightoncentre.org www.leightoncentre.org/about-the-centre/history Leighton Philosophy Our Vision: Our dream is to unleash the art in everyone. Our Mission: To create a spectacular setting for art and the creative process for generations to come. Three elements are core to the vision of the Leighton Centre: •PLACE – creating outcomes of satisfied learners, visitors, participants, volunteer…  (read more)

17 May 2013

191 visits

A view from Leighton Art Centre

This is where a few of us walked yesterday, on the land at the Leighton Art Centre (SW of Calgary) and recorded every species of plant that was seen - also a Two-spotted Ladybug (banded form), Mountain Bluebird, Moose and Elk droppings, etc., etc.. I hadn't been out there since my daughter was either in Kindergarten or Grade 1 and her class went there for an arts and crafts trip - something like 33 years ago! The leader of our group will then give the full, detailed list of everything, and any photos that some of us took, to the people at the Centre, to use in whatever way they want. Our trips are always a win-win situation - the owner of the particular land gets a detailed list and we get to see places that are often new to us and sometimes species that are new to most of us. I am always totally exhausted from the walking/hiking (I am so unfit, ha!!), the heat and the fresh air. We finished just after lunch - and I was already too hot and too worn out, lol. Don't like to think what state I'll be in when we go on the typical full-day trips! Afterwards, I decided to drive a few of the nearby backroads before heading home. Didn't see much, but was thrilled to see a Sora (small, secretive bird of freshwater marshes) down in one of the sloughs amongst the reeds. These are not usually seen. Also enjoyed a pair of Mountain Bluebirds. I already have two other photo projects that I need to work on, so I will be breathing, eating, sleeping images!

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17 May 2013

166 visits

Two-spotted Ladybug

We saw this tiny Ladybug on a wild Gooseberry leaf, yesterday, 17 May 2013, when a few of us spent the morning botanizing the land at the Leighton Art Centre (SW of Calgary). I had seen a similar Ladybug on Keith Logan's land on 17 June 2011 and Corey Husic at BugGuide website confirmed that it was in fact "just" a Two-spotted Ladybug. This species is native to Alberta, whereas the more common and larger Seven-spotted Ladybug is an introduced species, which, most unfortunately, has resulted in various native species' numbers being reduced. According to the book, "Bugs of Alberta", "Two-spotted Ladybugs are amazingly variable. Most have two black spots on a red background, while others have four spots or two red shoulder patches on a black background."

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17 May 2013

147 visits

Prairie Buttercup / Ranuculus rhomboideus

We found this single, uncommon Prairie Buttercup in the woods at the Leighton Art Centre on 17 May 2013, when a small group of us botanized the land around the Centre. We record every species of plant that we find, plus any insects, wild animals (or evidence), birds and fungi. Spring was very late arriving this year, so this was rather early for a botanizing trip, but the plan is to go back at later dates, too. The long, detailed list is given to the people at the Centre, along with any photos that were taken, for them to use in any way they wish. Ha, I took about a dozen photos of this small flower, and this was the only one that turned out OK. (Location on my map is only very approximate.)

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17 May 2013

351 visits

Red Tree Brain

We saw this small branch (maybe an inch or less across), covered in Red Tree Brain fungus, in the woods at the Leighton Art Centre on 17 May 2013, when a small group of us botanized the land around the Centre. We record every species of plant that we find, plus any insects, wild animals (or evidence), birds and fungi. I love seeing this brightly coloured fungus - not easily noticed when the wood is dry, but after rain or if it is splashed with water,, the fungus swells and turns bright orange. These fruitbodies are brown to red-orange, flat, scattered, 1-2 mm thick, 2-4 mm wide, with a raised edge and wrinkled surface. Spring was very late arriving this year, so this was rather early for a botanizing trip, but the plan is to go back at later dates, too. The long, detailed list is given to the people at the Centre, along with any photos that were taken, for them to use in any way they wish. I got up late this morning, as I was up really late last night (well, early this morning), trying to get some of these Leighton Art Centre photos edited, so they can be sent. So far, today, it is overcast and I'm really hoping it stays that way, as I have enough space left on my computer for maybe another two or three days' worth of photos, that's all. So, today, I have no choice but to back up and delete at least a few more photos folders. Some long day trips coming up, and I will need to download my photos after each trip.

17 May 2013

129 visits

Old and wrinkled, but still vibrant

Ha, not too inspiring, I know, but needed to add it it to a couple of my Sets. A wild Rose Hip, photographed at the Leighton Art Centre, SW of Calgary, when a few of us spent the morning of 17 May 2013 recording all the flora and fauna on their land.

17 May 2013

150 visits

Wild Strawberry

A macro shot of a wild Rose flower, photographed at the Leighton Art Centre, SW of Calgary, when a few of us spent the morning of 17 May 2013 recording all the flora and fauna on their land.

17 May 2013

148 visits

A place to sit and contemplate

This is one of the views from the Leighton Art Centre, SW of the city, looking west towards the Rocky Mountains. More later, as I have to dash out soon, to take part in the annual May Species Count. Good luck to anyone doing the same! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17 May 2013

165 visits

Pink blossom

Not sure what kind of tree this is, but the double blossom was really pretty. Seen in the garden at the Leighton Art Centre, SW of Calgary, on 17 May 2013. Some colour needed today, as it's pouring with rain again. Does anyone know if this is Double-flowering Almond? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17 May 2013

183 visits

Sunny Marigold

Just a vibrant yellow Marigold, seen when several of us visited the Leighton Art Centre on 17 May 2013. Our purpose was to record all the flora and fauna species found on the surrounding land, but I couldn't resist photographing two or three plants growing in their flower borders, too.
24 items in total