Common Burdock / Arctium minus

Fish Creek Park 2

I accidentally deleted my original Fish Creek Park set (on 20th June 2011) - the 1021 images in it were NOT deleted from my photostream, just the set - so I will now have to add them all to this new set. I tried batch adding using tags, but it just wouldn't work, so I guess I will have to add each photo individually. Maybe it couldn't handle 1021 images in one go?

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25 Sep 2010

150 visits

Common Burdock / Arctium minus

Yay - I finally have Internet again!!! Was without it yesterday evening and night up till maybe 20 minutes ago (it's about 10:45 a.m. now). After my continuous computer problems the last 3+ weeks, I was beginning to think that this was yet another one, ha! I don't need any more stress!!! In the end, after trying the usual things, I phoned Shaw and found a recorded message saying that they were experiencing technical difficulties. I was so relieved - though it still made for a "strange" evening and night having no access to the Net. So, instead, I sat for hours and backed up more of my photo folders, really concerned and feeling more and more convinced that there was something deep-seatedly wrong with my computer - and now, this morning, I can barely lift my arms upwards. Looks like I will be living in my pjs and going with hair uncombed for the rest of the day, ha! Remember what life was like before the invention of computers, lol?? Does anyone have a spare day of relaxation that they would be willing to donate to a worthy cause (i.e. "moi")? Oh, and this is Common Burdock, photographed at Mallard Point, Fish Creek Park, on September 25th. Though it is an invasive weed, I find the plant quite attractive. "The prickly heads of these plants (burrs) are noted for easily catching on to fur and clothing (being the inspiration for Velcro), thus providing an excellent mechanism for seed dispersal." From Wikipedia.

21 Feb 2009

112 visits

The beauty of winter

Yes, winter drags on and on and on .... Then, I see something beautiful that only winter can create, and my spirits are lifted once again : ). This is where I was walking this morning for about three hours (temperature started off around -9C and rose to around -1C). I had never crossed the bridge at Mallard Point, in Fish Creek Park, and walked quite a way south along the eastern side of the Bow River. Later on this walk, the path climbs up the cliff and you get a beautiful (zoomed) view over part of Fish Creek Park (somewhere around Bankside) with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Saw two Ring-necked Pheasants, a Northern Goshawk, a Pileated Woodpecker and all the usual ducks and Chickadees, and so on. Also watched about five or six White-tailed Deer cross the water. Forecast for the next three days (at least) is for SNOW - again : (

21 Feb 2011

144 visits

It's me again

I do have to laugh when I see my various photos of this tiny Northern Pygmy-owl. It looks as if I am standing just below it, when in fact this little guy was perched on a very distant branch! So far away that I couldn't usually see which way its head was pointing. Just took lots of photos, hoping that it would be pointing my way in at least a few of the shots. And of course, it really doesn't have a tinge of green and purple in its feathers - just nasty chromatic aberation from pointing my camera up towards a totally overcast sky, lol. However, isn't it cute? Seen down in Fish Creek Park at Bebo Grove on February 21st. It was the weirdest thing, because I was walking along the path heading for my car, when I just stopped suddenly in my tracks, and when I turned to my right, there in the far distance sat a familiar little "ball", looking very much like a small wasp's nest on a branch.

31 Dec 2008

133 visits

Alert for an instant

Look at the size of those talons, LOL! I've just noticed that it looks like blood on his feathers, so presumably he had eaten something recently. Love his Licorice Allsorts eyes. Usually when I see this adult male, his eyes are tightly shut and he doesn't move. This afternoon, he actually moved a few times, to do a bit of preening and to glance around.This is one of "my" Great Horned Owls, i.e. down at Sikome in Fish Creek Park. His mate was perched on the same branch, off to the right. Weather was beautiful today and I just couldn't stay at home. We know that the weather will change for the worse and perhaps then I won't mind staying indoors.

29 May 2009

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232 visits

Owl with attitude

I don't know what this Great Horned Owl's "problem" was : ) I think this was the male, down at Sikome, Fish Creek Park. One of his two owlets was in the next tree, screeching non-stop, so presumably it was hungry. Dad turned round to look at me once and then ignored me. I've read that flattened eartufts mean that the bird is under stress, but it was not from my presence. Half a dozen shots and I was out of there anyway. Though it looks like I was very close to this owl, in fact he was way up in a tall tree! Lighting was grim, in amongst the trees. No sign of Mom and the other owlet.

21 Jun 2007

131 visits

Till the new season begins

We're almost there - spring seems to have finally arrived ... sigh! At least until the next snow fall. This is an old photo taken in June 2007 at Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Park.

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16 Dec 2010

160 visits

Delicate on blue

This is the second blurry photo I've uploaded today! I needed some vibrant colour today - we are still in our deep-freeze and according to the weather forecast, we have about four more days before temperatures become a bit more bearable. My camera must wonder what's going on and suffering feelings of rejection. I've been just too busy the last two weeks to go out, too sad, and when you see the windchill temperature is -31C (-24F), it just makes you want to stay home in the warmth with a steaming mug of coffee, anyway. Last night, I finally wrote the words I wish to be read at my Brother's funeral in England - not the easiest thing to do, of course, and this afternoon I have a rare-for-me, splitting headache that burns every time I cough. John's funeral should be sometime within the next ten days. This tiny snowflake, even though it's so blurry, soothes me a little today : ) Taken at Glennfield in Fish Creek Park on December 16th. I'm still hoping that we get this kind of fluffy snow again, but so thankful that I went down to the park that day. Later afternoon: just received an e-mail, saying: "Three WHOOPING CRANES found Dead. Wildlife scientists at the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon, have concluded through preliminary testing the cranes found dead near Albany, Georgia, on Dec. 30, 2010, sustained injuries consistent with gunshot wounds. The cranes were shot sometime before Dec. 30, 2010. They were discovered and reported by hunters. The three cranes, 20-10, 24-10, and 28-10, were part of a group of five 2010 Direct Autumn Release (DAR) cranes. According to Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership trackers, they had last been tracked in Hamilton County, Tennessee, where they roosted on December 10, 2010,with cranes 6-05, 6-09, and 38-09." How could anyone carry out such a despicable act - against any wildlife, but even more so against such a highly threatened species???

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31 May 2011

137 visits

Graffiti and rust

I always love to see graffiti on the various bridges that I cross when out on a walk - though of course most of it is a mess and not artistic at all (I don't like that kind!)! This colourful splash on a rusty bridge railing caught my eye a few days ago, just west of the Bow Valley Ranch in Fish Creek Park.

13 Nov 2010

203 visits

Northern Pygmy-owl

I wonder how this tiny owl (the size of a pop-can or a person's fist!) is doing today. How our weather has changed. It's still lightly snowing this morning, with a few inches of snow already on the ground (which means on my car, ha). I have a volunteer shift this afternoon, so I have no choice but to face winter (unlike yesterday, when I stayed home in the warmth all day). We were so lucky to see this little owl in Fish Creek Park on November 13th. Lots of people go there in the hopes of finding it, and most never get the chance, so I feel extra fortunate. Good luck, if you are one of those hopeful people! This is quite a crop, by the way : )
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