Into the sun

Birds of Alberta 4

04 Mar 2008

1 favorite

152 visits

Into the sun

One of the three magnificent Bald Eagles at the Calgary Zoo. Was so lucky that day because this fine bird came right up to me (the other side of the chain link fence!) and stayed there for some strange reason.

11 Mar 2008

148 visits


Yes, this is an awful photo, but I get a bigger sense of power when I look at it than when I see a close-up of a Bald Eagle that I've taken at the Calgary Zoo. I don't usually bother with flight shots, as my camera doesn't cope with these, but thought I'd try this one of the Eagle soaring above the Bow River at Burnsmead, Fish Creek Park.

23 Jul 2007

186 visits

Golden Eagle

Saw this magnificent Golden Eagle last year at the Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge, southern Alberta. This Centre takes injured birds of prey and either rehabilitates them for release or keeps them if that is not a possible option. A great place to visit! In Alberta, these Eagles are uncommon from March to September - a few overwinter. I've only seen between maybe 3 and 5 in the wild.

21 Jan 2008

103 visits

House Sparrow

I think I may have used this particular photo back in January to make into a birthday card and Flickr greeting for my son. I wanted to have a proper copy of it in my photostream. Yes, it was a VERY cold day when I was taking these photos, as you can tell by this little Sparrow's fluffed up feathers.

14 Jan 2008

178 visits

Trumpeter Swan

The Trumpeter Swan is locally common from April to October, though I don't get to see them very often. The bird in my photo was at the Calgary Zoo. "The Trumpeter Swan was hunted almost to extinction for its feathers and meat in the early 20th century.... it is hoped that populations will continue to recover". From Birds of Alberta by Fisher & Acorn.

18 Mar 2008

128 visits

A colour of spring

I went to a local park this afternoon in the hope of seeing the little Long-tailed Weasel, but I was out of luck. However, I did see three American Robins, presumably returned from their winter location. They really are beautiful birds, but perhaps a bit taken-for-granted. Gorgeous colour - but they always make me miss the little, round English Robins, which I haven't seen for 30 years now : (

18 Mar 2008

130 visits

In the nesting tree

A really bad photo, but this nesting owl is too high up and behind a nasty tangle of branches that can't be avoided : ). Just wanted to give an idea of where the two Great Horned Owls have their nest. Yesterday, I was thrilled to see one of the owls sitting up there - this was the very first time I had seen one in the nesting tree this year. Not sure if this is the male and the female could be lower on the nest. Last year and the year before, I was lucky enough to get lots of photos of her young one, so I really hope the pair is successful again this year.

07 Feb 2008

116 visits

Commonly beautiful

I usually take a few shots of the Mallards that visit the Zoo when I go there. On a sunny day, the iridescense is gorgeous.

19 Mar 2008

114 visits

House Sparrow

"Just" another little lowly House Sparrow. Found him hoping for some seed inside the Zoo grounds the other day.
300 items in total