

31 Aug 2006

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150 visits


I saw this young Coyote that was with another young one when I went for a drive with my daughter into Kananaskis (Rocky Mountains). They trotted right past where I was standing by my car, obviously not bothered at all by my presence.

27 Dec 2004

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138 visits

That tasted so good

This is a cropped version of a previous photo, showing a beautiful Coyote immediately after it had eaten some kind of small rodent. The highest position for this photo was #27 on 30th October 2006.

31 Aug 2006

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131 visits

Kananaskis Coyote

A third photo of a young Coyote we saw out in Kananaskis (Rocky Mountains) at the end of August this year.

27 Dec 2004

129 visits


Even though this is a rather distant photo and somewhat blurry, it is one of my favourites. I was just driving down the small road that leads into my local park when I spotted this gorgeous creature near the edge of the road. I slowed down and stopped and watched as it searched, stalked and POUNCED! It caught a little meadow vole or similar and I watched as it ate it. This is the expression (almost sly) on the Coyote's face immediately after it had eaten - there is still a piece of dead grass hanging from its mouth. I always enjoy seeing Coyotes but some people are quite afraid of them. Usually when they see a human being, they will turn and quietly slip away in the opposite direction.

31 Aug 2006

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117 visits


This young Coyote didn't seem in the least bit bothered by my presence.

27 Dec 2004

153 visits

Coyote on the prowl

Always a treat to watch one of these animals, especially when it is on the prowl for a snack.

27 Dec 2004

114 visits

Coyote in the snow

Seen in my nearest park. I had watched it near the side of the small road leading into the park, where it had stalked, pounced on and eaten its small prey.

14 Feb 2007

130 visits

Keeping up with the pack

This was the last of the four Coyotes crossing the road ahead of me. Far ahead, so this is a heavily cropped image.

14 Feb 2007

135 visits

Coyote curiosity

I watched a pack of four Coyotes in a local park late this afternoon/early evening. It's always fun to watch one of these animals stalk and pounce, and to watch four of them in action was so intriguing! Unfortunately, they were too far away for decent photos, plus the light was beginning to fade.
34 items in total