On the rocks

Mosses and Lichens

Will also add the occasional Liverwort here.

04 Jun 2009

125 visits

On the rocks

This bright orange Lichen is one of my favourite kinds and this patch was growing on a rather nice, dark brown, boulder. Seen on a hike south of Calgary, west of Longview, on the Kananaskis border.

13 Sep 2004

124 visits

Cladonia lichen

I believe this fungus is Cladonia lichen. Love the way it looks like miniature golf tees!

05 May 2008

100 visits

Tiny Lichen

Thanks again, David, for finding something interesting for me to see and photograph! He picked up this piece of soil covered in tiny, orange Lichen. Quite attractive.

08 Sep 2008

142 visits

Lichen-covered branch

I came across this bright yellow Lichen on a branch at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park. Most of the Lichen I see tends to be green, so this bright colour stood out.

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15 Oct 2008

140 visits

Tombstone lichens

These three different lichens were growing on a tombstone in the Union Cemetery next to the Reader Rock Garden in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Details are a little easier to see in large size - I find the white one quite fascinating. The orange one, that to me looks more jelly-like, is such a beautiful, bright colour.

27 Sep 2007

103 visits

Little green golf tees

I was thrilled to see some of these tiny, fascinating Lichen at Bowness Park yesterday. Though I had seen some a couple of times before, I don't usually see them. They remind me of little green golf tees. I did post a previous photo of the same species quite a while ago - not sure if I had the ID correct. Does anyone know if this is Cladonia Lichen? Also not sure if these come under a heading of "Fungi."

18 Sep 2008

111 visits

Tiny mushrooms

These are the tiniest, most delicate mushrooms and I finally managed to get my camera to focus on one of them.They seem to be surrounded by various mosses and lichens. Seen at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park (where, apparently, there IS a resident Grizzly, I learned yesterday!).

26 Sep 2008

93 visits

Which Lichen do you like?

This rock was so attractive, decorated with three different Lichen - orange, yellowy-green, and black and white. Mother Nature having fun, yet again : ). Thanks, Doug, for pointing this out to me! Seen at Beaverdam Flats park.

27 Oct 2008

102 visits

Rock decoration

These various Lichens were growing on a small rock near Forgetmenot Pond, at the end of Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), Kananaskis. Doug, have we seen this very pale green one before (the largest, circular one)? How many different ones do you see, if you happen to see this image?
134 items in total