Purple orchids

Calgary Zoo 2

21 Jan 2008

92 visits

Purple orchids

I don't usually post two bright flower photos in one batch, but today I NEED them, LOL! The wind is blowing harder this evening and the snow is blowing and drifting. After a two-hour walk this afternoon with a friend, in temperatures of -21C, -36C with windchill (-36F, -32.8F), I'm still trying to warm up, four hours later : ). Two pairs of "long-johns", a pair of polar fleece pants, thick sweater and a fleece jacket just don't seem to be enough, despite central heating - brrr.....! Must try and think happy thoughts of the warm, humid Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo and all the gorgeous flowers that are growing there.

21 Jan 2008

86 visits

Colour on colour

Needed a nice bright flower photo to upload today! It is -21C (-36C with windchill) windy with blowing snow. Converted, that is -36F, with windchill of -32.8F. I don't plan on going ANYWHERE tomorrow and maybe not even Tuesday! I was out with a friend for a two-hour walk this afternoon - what WERE we thinking, LOL?!

01 Dec 2006

107 visits


I was fascinated by these dead artichokes at the Calgary Zoo, hanging against the recently fallen snow. Makes a change from owls, chickadees and ice!

21 Jan 2008

105 visits

Like fire

A splash of brilliant red in the Arid Room, Conservatory, Calgary Zoo.

21 Jan 2008

100 visits

Pink Primula

Another colour of Primula, seen growing in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo's Conservatory. Can't wait for the butterflies to emerge after the winter.

15 Nov 2007

88 visits

Orchid brilliance

A different Orchid seen in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo.

12 Jan 2006

80 visits


Another animal at the Calgary Zoo that I am relieved to have never seen in the wild! We do get Cougars very occasionally in the local parks. In fact, two or three years ago, one was caught just one street away from me! They stalk a person and they do kill or do a great deal of damage to a human being. Large and very powerful!

07 Feb 2008

121 visits

Bald Eagle

This was the second time I have been lucky enough to have one of the Bald Eagles at the Calgary Zoo take a "bath" in the tiny stream near where I was standing. After it's long bath ritual, it came over to the fence and I could have reached out and touched it - didn't think that would be a wise thing to do!

07 Feb 2008

111 visits

Inland Bearded Dragon

This guy/gal was resting (what else do they ever do, anyway, LOL?) in its aquarium in the Creatures of the Night building at the Calgary Zoo. The scales on the throat and head are pointed, as are the scales on the sides of the body. When threatened, the Dragon opens its mouth and flares out its throat.
300 items in total