Gasolene Alley

Heritage Park, Calgary

26 Jun 2007

99 visits

Gasolene Alley

This bright red barn at Heritage Park in Calgary holds an amazing display of antique vehicles and gas-pumps. Definitely worth a visit.

26 Jun 2007

97 visits

In the good old days

This beautiful old fire engine sits in the old, open Cochrane Fire Hall at Heritage Park, an old Pioneer Village in this city.

26 Jun 2007

87 visits

Rest before work

One of the horses that works at Heritage Park, a Pioneer village in the city.

26 Jun 2007

79 visits

At the Bakery

Love the old vehicles that are used around Heritage Park, an old Pioneer village in this city. This bright yellow truck caught my eye when my oldest daughter and I were on our way to the old Bakery yesterday afternoon. The gingerbreadmen cooked in this little Bakery are SO good - as are the Cheese Buns, Cinnamon Rolls, Sour Dough Bread, etc.! We had hoped to take a ride on the S.S. Moyie, a paddlesteamer that takes you on the Glenmore Reservoir. However, it was undergoing mechanical repairs, so we were out of luck.

26 Jun 2007

92 visits

Classic red

One of the beautiful old cars in Gasoline Alley at Heritage Park, a Pioneer Village.

26 Jun 2007

84 visits

Old-time home

One of the many old Pioneer buildings that have been relocated to Heritage Park, the old Pioneer Village in this city.

14 Oct 2009

168 visits

Auburn 1932

Another of the very fine old cars that are on display in the new Gasoline Alley building at Heritage Park. This is such a spectacular display of vehicles, old gasoline pumps and more, and definitely worth a visit. "The elegance, speed and price tag of Auburns made them a popular choice for car lovers of the 1930s. This V12 was the first 12-cylinder car to sell for under $1,000 - a very modest price at the time. The 1931 straight-eight engine was beefed up in 1932 with a new 6.4-litre V12 engine, and both cars benefited from the speed and power offered by a dual-ration rear axle. The Auburn line did not survive the economic hardship of the Depression." From the plaque that was in this exhibit.

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20 Oct 2009

158 visits

Fall colours in South Glenmore Park

As you can see, it was a day with grey clouds : ) Though the fall colours here were mostly yellowy brown, I thought it made a pretty sight, looking from the path near the edge of the Glenmore Reservoir towards the blue and white windmill and oil derrick that are within Heritage Park. This area makes a really pleasant walk - made even more enjoyable because we were lucky enough to see a first winter male Long-tailed Duck, White-winged Scoters, and a Pacific Loon (far, far away on the Reservoir).

14 Oct 2009

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154 visits

1956 Plymouth stationwagon

Can you imagine driving this old vehicle? What a beauty it is! It's a 1956 Plymouth stationwagon on display, with a lot of other spectacular, beautifully restored old vehicles, in the new Gasoline Alley building at Heritage Park. Actually, though you can't really see, it is loaded with gear ready for a "road trip". This is such a spectacular display of vehicles, old gasoline pumps and more, and definitely worth a visit.
30 items in total