The Clock Tower, Doha, Qatar


26 Nov 2006

97 visits

The Clock Tower, Doha, Qatar

Seeing this photo brings back so many good memories. We used to do our food shopping at the Qatar Cold Store that was near the Clock Tower. I learned to drive in this country, in a tiny red Austin Mini! Scanned from an old photo that was taken 1966/1967.

26 Nov 2006

75 visits

Shamal sky, Doha

On this bitterly cold, snowy day, I decided to scan a few of my very old photos taken when we lived in Doha, Qatar, for about six months in 1966/67. The cloud formations in this photo were the result of the Shamal wind.

26 Nov 2006

78 visits

Some children living in Qatar

These beautiful children wanted me to take their photo, down in the Gold Suq in Doha. Scanned from an old photo.

26 Nov 2006

73 visits

Seafront at Doha, Qatar

I loved to be down along the seafront in Doha, watching the fishermen and their dhows (boats). Scanned from an old photo.

26 Nov 2006

63 visits

Looking for food

A donkey and a camel searching for food, Doha. Scanned from an old photo.

26 Nov 2006

93 visits

Saker Falcon

This falcon was identified for me by a Bird of Prey expert as a Saker Falcon. Seen on an incredible "picnic" put on by Sheik Nasser, just outside Doha. Scanned from an old photo that was taken 1966/67.

26 Sep 2006

118 visits

Sunset over Doha, Qatar

This is a scan from a photo I took back in the 1960s, so the quality isn't very good. However, I will always remember the sunsets in Doha, that seemed to turn the whole sky a brilliant orange. Breathtaking!

27 Sep 2006

96 visits

Sunset in Doha, Qatar

Another very happy memory of our six-month stay in Doha in the late 1960s. Again, a scan from an old photo.

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11 May 2013

227 visits

Dressed in all its finery

Bet this took you by surprise, lol! It's a scan of a print from an old colour slide, taken in the desert outside Doha, Qatar (Middle East) in 1967. Will explain more about it when I get back home today. I have several of these old photos from Qatar that I need to scan and post as soon as possible. I don't know just where outside Doha this was taken, so I have marked it as Doha on my map - just in case anyone isn't quite sure where Doha is : ) Anyone else getting Hold Your Clicks ... this afternoon? Back to really slow page downloading, etc.. Taking forever to save comments this evening. When I click on Stats, it keeps taking me straight to the photo page for my most recent image. Weird.
30 items in total