Birds of Alberta Set, page 1


26 Sep 2006

85 visits

Birds of Alberta Set, page 1

Decided it made more sense to make a mosaic that was 5x5 photos, to match the layout in the Set. So, this is a second attempt. Will get it right next time! Will also add the names of the birds this time. Seems a good way to keep track quickly of what photos you have uploaded. Will I ever get to bed at this rate?? 1. Snowy Owl, 2. Savannah Sparrow, 3. Great Horned Owl, 4. White-breasted Nuthatch, 5. Ruffed Grouse drumming, 6. Northern Flicker, 7. Red-winged Blackbird, 8. Young Great Horned Owl, 9. Canada Goose Goslings, 10. Great Horned Owl, Oberon, 11. Mallard male, 12. American White Pelican, 13. Red-naped Sapsucker, 14. American White Pelicans, 15. Baby Barn Swallows, 16. Young Great Horned Owl, 17. Female Gadwall, 18. Female Snowy Owl and owlet, Calgary Zoo, 19. Female Redhead, 20. Merlin, 21. Black-capped Chickadee, 22. White-breasted Nuthatch, 23. Young Whooping Crane, 24. White-breasted Nuthatch, 25. White-breasted Nuthatch

27 Sep 2006

108 visits

Birds of Alberta Set, page 2

1. Young Swainson's Hawk, 2. White-breasted Nuthatch, 3. Female Mallard, 4. Black-capped Chickadee, 5. Burrowing Owl, 6. Downy Woodpecker, 7. Northern Flicker, 8. Downy Woodpecker, 9. Canada Geese, 10. And over I go..., 11. Pileated Woodpecker, 12. Young Great Horned Owl, 13. Northern Pygmy Owl, 14. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 15. Hairy Woodpecker, 16. Black-capped Chickadee, 17. Common Merganser male, 18. Barn Owl, 19. Cedar Waxwings, 20. Boreal Chickadee, 21. Solitary Sandpiper, 22. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 23. Northern Saw-whet Owl, 24. Canada Goose, 25. American Robin Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

27 Sep 2006

121 visits

Birds of Alberta Set, page 3

1. Black-capped Chickadee, 2. Young Cooper's Hawk, 3. Ring-necked Pheasant, 4. Male Downy Woodpecker, 5. Male Mallards, 6. Great Grey Owl, 7. Great Blue Heron, 8. Peacock, 9. Spotted Sandpiper, 10. Red-naped Sapsucker, 11. Yellow-headed Blackbird, 12. Pelican fury, 13. Peregrine Falcon, 14. Common Snipe, 15. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 16. Snowy Owl, 17. Great Horned Owl, 18. Young Swainson's Hawk, 19. Common Redpoll, 20. Yellow-headed Blackbird, 21. Mr and Mrs Bluebird, 22. Black-capped Chickadee, 23. Mountain Bluebird, 24. Belted Kingfisher, 25. Black-billed Magpie Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

27 Sep 2006

102 visits

Plants of Alberta Set, page 1

1. Gaillardia Fanfare, 2. Yellow Paintbrush, 3. Dandelion, 4. Rose hips, 5. Goat's-beard, 6. Star-flowered Solomon's Seal, 7. Prairie Crocus, 8. Goat's-beard, 9. Common Gaillardia, 10. A mix of seasons, 11. Western Shooting Star, 12. Milkweed, 13. Fireweed, 14. Clematis, 15. Prairie Coneflower, 16. Indian Breadroot, 17. Crested Wheatgrass, 18. Birdsfoot Trefoil, 19. Blue Clematis, 20. Striped Coralroot, 21. Garden tulip, 22. Baneberry, 23. Yellow Lady's-slipper, 24. Wild Rose, 25. Red Clover Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

27 Sep 2006

92 visits

Plants of Alberta Set, page 2

1. Red Baneberry, 2. Campion, 3. Goat's-beard, 4. Silvery Ragwort, 5. Canada Anemone, 6. Round-leaved Orchid, 7. Western Wood Lily, 8. Rose root, 9. Sea Holly, 10. Garden fern, 11. Mixed Seasons, 12. Tulip, 13. Scottish Thistle, 14. Western Pasque Flower seedhead, 15. White Geranium, 16. Yellow Mountain Avens seeds, 17. White Camas, 18. Purple Prairie-clover, 19. Goat's-beard 2, 20. Alfalfa, 21. Leaf in winter, 22. Black Henbane seedpods, 23. Indian Paintbrush, 24. Cow Parsnip, 25. Yellow Avens fruit Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

27 Sep 2006

107 visits

Insects of Alberta Set, page 1

1. Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar, 2. Crab Spider with Butterfly on Gaillardia, 3. Mourning Cloak Butterfly, 4. Painted Lady Butterfly, 5. Fritillary Butterfly, 6. White Admiral Butterfly, 7. Leafy Spurge Hawk Moth caterpillar, 8. Hover Fly, 9. Pseudogaurotina cressonii, Longhorn Beetle, 10. Dragonfly, 11. Emerald dragonfly, 12. Spruce Sawyer, 13. Pale Snaketail Dragonfly, 14. Grasshopper, 15. Orb Weaver Spider, 16. Harvestman, 17. Butterfly, 18. Dragonflies mating, 19. Underwing Moth, 20. Darner dragonfly, 21. Dragonfly, 22. Damselfly on Sloughgrass, 23. Butterfly, 24. Eight-spotted Forester Moth, 25. Hummingbird Clearwing Moth Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

30 Sep 2006

98 visits

Clouds and Sunsets mosaic

1. Sunset over Strathcona Ravines, 2. Glennfield turmoil, 3. The old water tower, 4. An Angry Sky, 5. Winter Sunset, 6. Sunset with a twist, 7. Prairie sky, 8. Chinook Arch, 9. Sunset over the Rockies, 10. The Storm, 11. Sunset over Weaselhead, 12. Sunset at Votier's Flats, 13. Golden sunset, 14. Calgary sunset, 15. Tornado warning!, 16. Rocky Mountain Sunset, 17. Start of sunset, 18. Clouds over 85th Street, 19. Dark sky over Glennfield, 20. Sunset over Doha, Qatar, 21. Sunset in Doha, Qatar, 22. Sunset over Seeb, Oman, 23. Light at the end of the tunnel, 24. Clouds over the Bow River, 25. American sky Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

30 Sep 2006

92 visits

Birds of Alberta set, page 4

1. Male Snowy Owl, 2. Downy Woodpecker, 3. Black-capped Chickadee, 4. Yellow-headed Blackbird, 5. Hawk, 6. Little Acrobat, 7. Eastern Kingbird, 8. Do I see supper?, 9. Short-eared Owl close-up, 10. Common Goldeneye, 11. Female Mallard, 12. Family time, 13. Western Meadowlark, 14. Great Horned Owl, 15. White-breasted Nuthatch, 16. Common Loon with fish, 17. Le Conte's Sparrow, 18. Tree Swallow, 19. This time, a Chickadee, 20. Yellowlegs in stripes, 21. Female Red-winged Blackbird, 22. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 23. Spotted Sandpiper, 24. American Wigeon family, 25. Mallard male Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

03 Oct 2006

128 visits

Plants of Alberta Set, page 3

1. One, 2. Golf, anyone?, 3. Gooseberry leaves in fall, 4. Curled up and cozy, 5. White Clover, 6. Wild Bergamot, 7. Harebell, 8. Red Baneberry, 9. Elephant's-head, 10. Orange, 11. Northern Grass-of-Parnassus, 12. Musk Thistle, 13. Greater Burdock, 14. Dame's Rocket, 15. Indian Paintbrush, 16. Autumn leaves, 17. Teasel, 18. Stonecrop, 19. Paintbrush, 20. Dame's Rocket, 21. Autumn leaves, 22. Common Blue Lettuce, 23. Prairie Crocus, 24. Canada Thistle, 25. Gaillardia Created with fd's Flickr Toys .
63 items in total