Reaching for the sky


03 Nov 2005

147 visits

Reaching for the sky

Another photo of the very small McDougall Church at Morley, on the way from Calgary to Banff. You can see the beginning of the Rocky Mountains in the distance.

27 Sep 2004

128 visits

Weaselhead in fall

This is a huge park in Calgary, stretching west from the western end of the Glenmore Reservoir.

24 Sep 2004

86 visits

Fish Creek Park

The local park is beautiful at any time of the year, but the fall colours are splendid.

19 Jun 2004

123 visits


Quite awe-inspiring to zoom in on the sculptures of Mother Nature!

15 Jan 2006

96 visits

Too cold for a walk?

'Too cold for a walk?' On Black That's what I asked myself when trying to decide whether to go on a nature walk in Weaselhead, Calgary on 15th January this year. It was COLD and icy but this winter scene was worth it. Don't like to think that it will be like this again before we know it!

28 Sep 2004

80 visits

Inglewood Bird Sanctuary

This is a special place in Calgary, where many species of birds can be seen in the wild. This is part of the main lagoon. The Bow River flows right past the Sanctuary in the distance.

01 Sep 2005

94 visits

Ptarmigan Cirque Trail

This view is from part way up the mountainside trail. The road is far below in the valley.

01 Sep 2005

79 visits

The Face of Time

There is a different kind of scenery in every direction from the Ptarmigan Cirque Trail, which makes it so enjoyable and interesting.

01 Sep 2005

107 visits

Ptarmigan Cirque Trail, Kananaskis

A view towards the top. The cirque itself is barren scree and stretches off to the right of this photo. The wildlfowers on this trail are superb.
300 items in total