Fantasyfan's photos

20160125 9960c

25 Jan 2016 34 21 1034
Ski tracks in central park of Helsinki. It was near midnight, but there were still few people skiing. Most of that snow melted next day (since this is Helsinki and not Oulu)

lokakuu6-2007 411c

14 Oct 2007 28 17 1020
Kitty sucking her paw

20070929 0243c

29 Sep 2007 73 22 1042
Biking in sunset

20151227 8327c

27 Dec 2015 32 15 787
Abyssinian boy staying a still ... for a second

20140907 4415c

07 Sep 2014 45 27 607
Glass marbles from my childhood

20100815 01600c

20080906 9999 50c

06 Sep 2008 23 11 602
Path to the sea, Oulu

Kesakuu6-2007 042b

22 Jun 2007 28 15 983
Pipsa looking after her brother

20111023 28143c

23 Oct 2011 34 18 659
Helsinki autumn, soon to come

20160529 3222c

29 May 2016 33 15 649
Couple days after arriving Unko and Anko were totally adjusted to us :)

100 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.