
Details/Close ups

  • Linked together.
  • Nikon D600 Battery
  • Dalahäst.
  • Lead balls.
  • Caffè&latte:)
  • Impossible love.
  • Imperial Porcelain.
  • My flip-flop:)
  • I never go shopping without:)
  • Reading glasses.
  • Playing with my minicar:)
  • Autumnal joints. Herbst Fuge.
  • Frozen pea.
  • 20 grams
  • "Il topolino porta-soldini"
  • The desert in a bottle.
  • Sliding door handle:)
  • Applique on my suit.
  • Lime for my mojito.
  • The intrusion.
  • Il mio cappuccino.
  • "I like to wash, the dust of this world in the droplets of dew."
  • Grande/piccolo.
  • Thick - Thin.
  • Wedding rings.
  • My new earrings:)
  • Italian coffee:)
  • Dirndl Verschluss.
  • 30 ml of seduction.
  • YSL.
  • Unwrapping my new perfume.
  • Perfume bottle.
  • The spoon theory.
  • The Spoon Theory.
  • Fisheye   o_o
  • Detail of my Brownie.
  • The orange sign.
  • Multicolour.
  • Spiral bracelet.
  • Togetherness.
  • Strawberry flavour.
  • Light is...
  • Πάντα ῥεῖ
  • Transparency.
  • Shell.
  • Twisted and the knot is tied.
  • Light is ...
  • Pumpkin heart.
  • Pumpkin seeds.2
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Διαγώνιος.
  • Paperbook vs e-book.
  • Tiny shell through Murano glass.
  • Shells in a Murano glass.
  • AL
  • Numbers that count.
  • フォークと米粒
  • Cheers. Wine on my table.
  • The box.
  • White on white on white.
  • White shell on black.
  • Pointilism.
  • Glass.
  • E G G
  • Still life with Buddha head.
  • Il mio crodino:)
  • Unwrap my heart.
  • Carnival. 2
  • フォークとライス
  • Detail of a bike.
  • Mozzarella. In a white bowl.
  • Ribbon.
  • Primary colour: red.
  • Heads or tails?
  • Harvest.
  • Hot hot hotter.

413 items in total