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  Publication date  /  2011  /  May  /  29   -   64 photos

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  • Possible Orb Weaver Spiderlings
  • Possible Orb Weaver Spiderlings2
  • Possible Orb Weaver Spiderlings3
  • Possible Orb Weaver Spiderlings4
  • Possible Orb Weaver Spiderlings5
  • Fluffy Male House Finch
  • Western Bluebird in Buckbrush
  • Perfect Junco
  • jauntyscrubjay
  • Black-Capped Chickadee
  • Black-Capped Chickadee
  • Black-Capped Chickadee
  • cowbird
  • grosbeak
  • squabble
  • finchflight
  • scrubjay2
  • perfectfinch2
  • finchboys
  • Lincoln Sparrow
  • scrubjaysuet
  • juncochickadee
  • CAtowee
  • goldfinchtrio
  • Lazuli Bunting
  • cowbirdsinoaktree
  • Orange House Finch
  • minerslettuce
  • purpleyflower
  • fuzzyflower
  • Steve Holding Tiny Flowers
  • beeionflower
  • beeandspideronflower
  • aphidonflower
  • prettystars
  • mouseearedhawkweed
  • beetleonflower
  • beeandbeetleonflower
  • yellowbouquet
  • lavenderflower
  • Ground Crab Spider instar, genus Xysticus
  • Pink Flower
  • Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae 2
  • Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae
  • dandilions
  • eveninggrosbeakfemale
  • cowbirdjuvinile
  • Flock of male Black Headed Grosbeaks, male House Finch, Male Cowbird
  • flax
  • drippingoakleaf
  • butterfly on white flower
  • beetleonflower
  • Potter or Mason Wasp, subfamily Eumeninae
  • Male Syrphid Fly
  • Male Syrphid Fly, Eristalis arbustorum
  • Short-Horned Grasshopper
  • Short-Horned Grasshopper Hangin' Out
  • beetleandfly
  • tiny cricket with Cigar Casebearer moth larva
  • Pale Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon
  • Pale Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon 2
  • Pale Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon 3
  • Flesh Fly, family Sarcophagidae
  • Bordered Plant Bugs Mating