Darling Spring Mushroom

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I am so happy to have enough interest in my photography that my pictures are getting Explored here on my new home! So happy! Thanks for visiting, viewing, fav'ing and leaving comments! You have all made me feel so welcome! :)

W is for Wonderful White (+4 insets)

11 Mar 2014 99 40 2694
(+4 inset images above) This is the elegant and beautiful Oregon Fawn Lily, which blooms here in March. The purple version, the Henderson's Fawn Lily, grows on our property, but to see the white species I need to walk along the ridge line trail behind our house. About a quarter mile away I find them here and there, and they grow fairly profusely about half a mile away, near the far end of the trail. These flowers range in color from a luminous off-white to a light creamy-yellow and grow only about 6-8" off the forest floor. Update: I was planning to do another A-Z project, but I'm going to put that on hold. My A-Z partner, Chrissy , suggested doing a series on different colors, but I also want to begin posting pictures from my garden. So far I have California Poppies in yellow and cream, a brand new cream Anemone, tiny purple snap dragons, and some little white daisies. To begin the show, about two weeks ago, "False Sunnies" began blooming, and these seeds were given to me by my friend Pam J ! Explored on July 5, 2014. Highest placement, #1.

Z is for Zazzy Zinnia

01 Jul 2014 89 49 1904
Note: my latest article is up which shows my raised bed garden in bloom! Part 10: Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: An Explosion of Color!! I have finally arrived at the last letter of the alphabet, and this is one of the beautiful Zinnias that have bloomed in my garden! By the way, "zazzy" is slang which means, "a basic cross between zany , pizazz and snazzy to create an adjective suggesting that something is too great to be confined to one word." I have three sections devoted to Zinnias, each with a different kind. This section has Dwarf Zinnias, and I was really surprised to find that about two dozen seeds germinated for me. The plants took off like wildfire...that is, until Cucumber Beetles discovered them. The insects ate many of them down to the ground, and severely damaged the others. I had been so excited and happy because all of the sections of Zinnias were doing so well, and within a couple of days I lost many of them and was facing the death of all of them. I was desperate. Though the chili-garlic spray I was using worked a little bit, the seedlings continued to be damaged. I finally tried a insect powder which I sprinkled onto the leaves and it worked! Finally my Zinnias were left alone, and to my amazement, many of the seedlings that were basically dead came back and are now creating buds! Hooray!! My Dwarf Zinnias are almost all shades of pink, but there's one orange-red one too, and there are others yet to begin blooming, so there may be other colors as well. I'm so happy to share my first Zinnia flower with all of you, grown from a tiny seed, and what a nice picture to end my Alphabet project with! Explored on July 21, highest placement: #1.

1-10 Project: 2 Pumpkin Flowers

19 Jul 2014 72 33 1891
If you would like to see how my pumpkin patch is doing, here's my latest blog! Part 11: Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: Pumpkin Patch Update! I meant to post my picture yesterday but my internet was out all weekend and we didn't get service back until yesterday morning. By the time we had internet again I was full to the gills with other things I needed to do, so I decided to post my picture today! There are four others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Explored on August 6, 2014. Highest placement, #5.

1-10 Project: 5 Blue Petals in a Sea of Green

28 May 2013 85 33 2142
Last June, Steve and I got the opportunity to take pictures of a friend's garden, and I spent a couple of hours immersed in an immaculately landscaped slice of heaven. This tiny beauty is called a Forget-Me-Not, a popular garden flower which is also used as a symbol for Remembrance Day by some Newfoundlanders, and as a symbol by Freemasons to not forget those who have died. There are five others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on August 25, 2014. Highest placement, #1.

1-10 Project: 8 Legs = Spider!

08 Sep 2012 67 30 1954
I'd forgotten all about this picture until I was looking through my images to see what I could use for my 1-10 Project. This beauty is a Cat-Faced Orbweaver, just like Roscoe Frank McCrawlerson, the spider that stayed in our porch doorway. This one I found on our back porch one evening, crawling on a piece of plastic. There are five others doing this project with me! Make sure to check out their streams and see what they've been doing with their 1-10 Project! 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Lynne Explored on September 15, 2014. Highest placement, #3.

Darling Spring Mushroom

08 Apr 2018 26 18 622
I haven't picked up my camera in months so I thought I'd go out today and see if I could find something nice to post. This adorable little mushroom was bouncing up and and down in the grass with excitement to be my Picture of the Day! <3 Explored on 4/10/18. Highest placement: #29 Note: I am so delighted by all of the wonderful responses and views/favorites of my picture. Thanks for making me feel so welcome everyone! :)

186 items in total